govorun01 майкоп адыгея endlish language learnenglish английский репетиторпоанглийскому репетитор english englishteacher репетиторанглийского говорун01 student englishtemple
Люблю, когда ученики творят. Новый пост от моей ученицы Алёны.
Autumn is a sad, but incredibly beautiful season. I'm talking about the time when all the nature around me changes green outfit to yellow and orange. I love this time of the year. You can walk in the park and admire golden autumn nature.
#english #englishteacher #govorun01 #репетиторанглийского #майкоп #адыгея #говорун01 #английскийязык
Моя ученица #Кристина затронула тему выбора профессии. Читай ⬇️ At an early age, you already need to think аbout your future profession. You must choose a profession based on your interests.
A choice of profession is an important choice. And that's why you have to decide what you want and who you want to be.
Have you already chosen a profession? Leave your comments ⬇️ #english #englishteacher #govorun01 #адыгея #майкоп #английскийязык #репетиторанглийского #говорун01
For a long time, I've dreamed to visit South Korea. I really like the culture of this country. There are large, clean and beautiful cities, kind and responsive people. This is exactly what induces me to visit this country.
The main problem according to which I cannot get to Korea, is that I do not know the language. However, as I am in the process of learning the international language, I think that my visit to this country will be realized soon.
Post from #Christine. And what is your dream? Leave your comments ⬇️ #govorun01 #english #student #englishteacher #репетиторанглийского #майкоп #адыгея
What: вопрос уточняющий какую-либо информацию о чем-либо
When: уточнение времени, когда что-либо случилось
Where: уточнение места
Which: уточнение информации об исчисляемых предметах
Who: уточнение о ком именно идет речь
Whom: косвенный падеж от who - уточнение кто именно сделал действие
Whose: уточнение принадлежности чего-либо кому-либо
Why: уточнение причин
How: как было произведено то или иное действие
#Govorun01 #Адыгея #Майкоп #Говорун