gracefilledmom blessedmama blessedmotherhood catholicfamily catholicmama catholicmom catholicmomstrong catholicmotherhood domesticchurch eucharisticmotherhood fruitfulmotherhood fullofgrace joyfulmotherhood marianmothers motherhoodasvocation motheringspirit opentolifemama purposefulmotherhood sacramentalmotherhood spiritualmotherhood grace motherhoodjourney motherhoodmission sogoesmotherhood catholic blessed mercy mothering easter2019 pentecost marianmothers
“Strive not to be a success but rather to be of value” ~Albert Einstein
It is easy to get sucked into the numbers game.
To focus on the number of followers, the number of likes and comments. To make a certain amount of money in order to feel like we are a success.
But value doesn’t come from numbers. In fact sometimes the smaller the amount the greater the impact.
I want to challenge you today to shift your focus from the numbers and instead focus on being a person of value to whoever you encounter. Real impact happens one person at a time. Let’s give our best to those we encounter.
You with me? Put a “I’m with you ” in the comments if you are
#5dayrealstagram #mondaymotivation #goaldigger
#powerfulmindset #beofvalue
#sheeo #ceomom #mombosslife #bossmoms #mompreneur #mompreneurlife #gracefilledmom #gracefilledwarrior #gracefilledleader
#socialcurator #communityovercompetition #theinstagramlab #shetheroar #gritandvirtue #presentoverperfect #sheleads #daringgreatly #madeformore #sheiscalled #betheexample #girlstopapologizing #womeninleadership #empowerher #womenwholead #truthbomb
Hello Saturday morning. I welcome you with open arms. Started the day off with coffee and snuggles with my fam. ☕️I'll be finishing up some content for our Grace-Filled Mom group {starting Monday} and then unplugging! There's still time to join us so comment below if you want in!
If I don't get back to you this morning, you'll hear from me soon! Happy weekend my friends!
Hannah, with her husband Stephen, is expecting her first child this summer. She has walked the path of expectant mother for many months, and by God’s grace has uncovered rich, new spiritual insights through her experience of pregnancy and expectation. Hannah’s personal experience offers a unique window into God’s heart for mothers. What is God showing you in your own journey of trusting him through the changing seasons of motherhood? Read this inspiring, personal account, and let the Holy Spirit remind you of the path of trusting him in deeper waters. Join us for A First-time Expectant Mother interview! Blog link in profile.
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#catholicmama #joyfulmotherhood #blessedmama #fruitfulmotherhood #catholicmotherhood #eucharisticmotherhood #opentolifemama #motherhoodasvocation
#sacramentalmotherhood #motherhoodmission
#blessedmotherhood #spiritualmotherhood
#catholicmom #catholicmomstrong #purposefulmotherhood #sogoesmotherhood #motheringspirit #domesticchurch #gracefilledmom #grace #catholicfamily #motherhoodjourney #pentecost #fullofgrace
#marianmothers #blessed #mercy #mothering #catholic #holytrinity . .
"This celebration of Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. Acts chapter two provides ripe details concerning the promise Jesus made to his disciples—the unfolding of the promises they had longed for. God poured the Holy Spirit directly into their hearts as they gathered in “one accord.” The long-awaited, miraculous transformation took place. The Holy Spirit dispelled fear and timidity, bringing about a boldness of faith, a genuine humility, and a clarity of mission for the birth of the Church." The power of the Holy Spirit it not just for a select few, but for all...How do you long for God to work in your midst? He longs to work in the very center of your being! Blog link in profile.
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#catholicmama #joyfulmotherhood #blessedmama #fruitfulmotherhood #catholicmotherhood #eucharisticmotherhood #opentolifemama #motherhoodasvocation
#sacramentalmotherhood #motherhoodmission
#blessedmotherhood #spiritualmotherhood
#catholicmom #catholicmomstrong #purposefulmotherhood #sogoesmotherhood #motheringspirit #domesticchurch #gracefilledmom #grace #catholicfamily #motherhoodjourney #easter2019 #fullofgrace
#marianmothers #blessed #mercy #mothering #catholic . .
How many mamas need encouragement when it comes to "Surviving the Storms?" Megan Smillie shares a post with us today! . . . "He always comes through, of course. Why do I continue to doubt? Why do I, when encountering a situation that seems so utterly hopeless, give in to fear and frenzy? Time and again, my pleas are heard, differences are reconciled, and peace reigns. This doesn’t always happen overnight. Some storms linger, their effect leaving scars that must be healed. And so we gain wisdom and insight, and oftentimes, humility. We cannot control these storms, nor their outcome, but we are left with an altered landscape, bought with our tears and struggles, that makes us cling ever closer to Christ." Blog link in profile.
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#catholicmama #joyfulmotherhood #blessedmama #fruitfulmotherhood #catholicmotherhood #eucharisticmotherhood #opentolifemama #motherhoodasvocation
#sacramentalmotherhood #motherhoodmission
#blessedmotherhood #spiritualmotherhood
#catholicmom #catholicmomstrong #purposefulmotherhood #sogoesmotherhood #motheringspirit #domesticchurch #gracefilledmom #grace #catholicfamily #motherhoodjourney #easter2019 #fullofgrace
#marianmothers #blessed #mercy #mothering #catholic
"Spending . . . time with faithful friends is one of the ways I have found to practice spiritually rich self-care and to nourish my soul. These mamas . . . breathe deep and labor through real sacrifice, real grit, real pain, real lack, and hard-pressed service. How glorious is it that there is true sustenance, true purpose, and resplendent beauty coming through each of their lives? I am witness and take watch as the Father upholds and brings beauty into their midst. Straight through the laboring pains of life, light prevails."
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#catholicmama #joyfulmotherhood #blessedmama #fruitfulmotherhood #catholicmotherhood #eucharisticmotherhood #opentolifemama #motherhoodasvocation
#sacramentalmotherhood #motherhoodmission
#blessedmotherhood #spiritualmotherhood
#catholicmom #catholicmomstrong #purposefulmotherhood #sogoesmotherhood #motheringspirit #domesticchurch #gracefilledmom #grace #catholicfamily #motherhoodjourney #easter2019 #fullofgrace
#marianmothers #blessed #mercy #mothering #catholic
Every single circumstance beyond my control is a beckoning to experience Christ. This means believing in the spirit of the Eucharist in all my moments. Christ calls me to take hold of the force of hope so that daily circumstances do not dictate my peace and steal my joy-strength. I believe for many things, but beyond what I believe for, I believe in someone. "Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you, and therefore he waits on high to have compassion on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who long for him” (Isaiah 30:18). Blog link in profile. .
#catholicmama #joyfulmotherhood #blessedmama #fruitfulmotherhood #catholicmotherhood #eucharisticmotherhood #lent2019 #opentolifemama #motherhoodasvocation
#sacramentalmotherhood #motherhoodmission
#blessedmotherhood #spiritualmotherhood
#catholicmom #catholicmomstrong #purposefulmotherhood #sogoesmotherhood #motheringspirit #domesticchurch #gracefilledmom #grace #catholicfamily #motherhoodjourney #Easter2019 #fullofgrace
“I am the youngest of ten children from a large Catholic family. We have shared many things over the years. Here is the story behind this family pie: my late brother, Robert, was a very talented chef. After graduating from the Culinary Institute of America in NYC, he became the executive chef in a high-end restaurant in Charleston. Later, he opened his own restaurant in Myrtle Beach. This pie was often on his dessert menu, and it’s delicious.” Susan Vega shares a recipe for our Savor Your Saturday edition! Blog link in profile. .
#catholicmama #joyfulmotherhood #blessedmama #fruitfulmotherhood #catholicmotherhood #eucharisticmotherhood #lent2019 #opentolifemama #motherhoodasvocation
#sacramentalmotherhood #motherhoodmission
#blessedmotherhood #spiritualmotherhood
#catholicmom #catholicmomstrong #purposefulmotherhood #sogoesmotherhood #motheringspirit #domesticchurch #gracefilledmom #grace #catholicfamily #motherhoodjourney #easter2019 #fullofgrace
#marianmothers #divinemercysunday #motherhoodmercy
‘It’s always better when we’re together’ He still gets me out of bed every morning even when he’s traveling with a quick text as he heads to the hotel gym and I head to our basement.
I can’t say it enough - the power, the good, the growth, the connection - so so much good comes from committing to a healthy lifestyle TOGETHER.
Marriage GAMECHANGER for sure. So incredibly grateful for this man and his commitment to being his best.
Husbands - you wanna do something for your wife and family? Go take care of yourself.✌