gratefulhearts childofgrace blessed blessedandhighlyfavoured blessedbeyondboundaries family favoured gracefoundme grateful grateful2god heavensfinest lild mrsd prouddad proudmum proudson sonshine tooblessed girlfriends goodvibesonly repost smile 20yearsafter aboutlastnight behappy blackbeauty bossbabe excited heavensfinest
5 Truths about Gratitude:
Gratitude is never invisible or silent.
Gratitude sustains joy.
Gratitude begins where your sense of entitlement ends.
Grateful people can find or enlarge a blessing in any situation.
Gratitude creates opportunity.
Which have you seen be true in your own life? ❤️#49WeeksofGratitude #attitudequotes #attitudeofgratitude #gratefulhearts
❤️❤️❤️ The first thought that many will have is, 'I already have the love of my life.' But, love is also expressed for things animate and inanimate, so manifest on! When you manifest love into your life, it will emanate from you and be received by you, how wonderful is that?! Please follow @lawofattractionmanifesting for daily thoughts and inspiration.
You are welcome to share this post in your story, or on your page, but if you do so please credit @lawofattractionmanifesting at the start of the caption, thank you. ❤️
Happy W E D N E S D A Y dear Friends!! Plant shopping continued today… I took my Mom and Dad out for some plant therapy! I am hoping not only to share my garden with you… but also some senior friendly gardening ideas too.
Did you know that studies have shown that simply looking at or receiving flowers can boost your mood Studies have found that participants who received flowers reported to be happy. They also found that the more flowers older adults received the happier they were. They also outperformed those who did not receive flowers on memory test! Wow! So bring on the flowers!!
I wanted to thank you all for your loving prayers and concern for my sweet Dad. He had his third set of injections for his Macular Degeneration this week. The news from the doctor was so good… he saw major improvements in my Dad’s eyes, the bleeding has drastically decreased!! Thank you Lord!! The medicine is finally working!! I cannot tell you how much your love, prayers and kindness mean to our family!! THANK YOU!!!
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12 (NIV)
Wishing you all blessed and joyful Wednesday!!
#PlantTherapy #FlowerTherapy #FrontYard #MyYard #FrontYardGarden #Michigander #LoveMichigan #MittenState #MichiganSpring #SpringInMichigan #MichiganWeather #MidWestMoment #SpringView #MorningSunshine #MorningView #MorningMood #gratefulHearts #MyGardenToday #BHGFlowers #SpringBlossoms #SpringBloom #SpringBlooms #FloweringTrees #BloomingTrees #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #springDays #BeautifulSpring #SpringColors #MyLittleGarden #iLoveSpring
Lets start something today, I was super inspired by my girl @emma_dickson this morning to start my day by naming 3 things that were beautiful about today. So I think we should start a little train. I’ll go first:
1) my breakfast burrito was
2) the kids I nanny made me laugh within my first 10 minutes at work
3) this afternoon is peaceful and tonight means time with my bestie
Let’s get a little thing going. I nominate @emma_dickson and @miss_tara_sun to do the same, on stories or as a post. And tag somebody you want to nominate in the comments!! Let’s all start this week with big grateful hearts ❤️ happy #messymonday
Always reminding myself to be grateful for the life I have & the people in it. I believe everything starts with a grateful heart. ❤️
What’s something you’re grateful for?
Outfit/Purse: @prettylittlething
Photo: @saintpeterjohn
#prettylittlething #pltoutfit #liketoknowit #nudeseries #neutraltones #gratefulhearts
✨Don’t let the internet fool you. No one is posting their failures.✨
...... actually I am. Haha! I mean, I didn’t post it but I sent an email out last week with the top 3 things I’ve failed at when it came to running a business to over 13k people... sooo....♀️♀️♀️ there’s just something so releasing at letting go of the notion that you have to always have the answers, or that you need to have your shit together at all times. I love talking about the things I’ve sucked at because when I do, they no longer hold me captive.
But also and totally random can we talk about how nice it was today that the sun didn’t go down at 5:30? ☀️ I can’t wait for longer sunny days!
#asseenincolumbus #pebbyforevee #614living #lifeofamom #gratefulhearts