groovediplomacy shungite shungiteband jazzfolkfusion folkfusion siberia krasnoyarsk ableton blues music newyork jazz russianfolk crosscultural culturaldiplomacy newsound usarussia mirsibiri мирсибири universiade2019 drumlife composerlife gratitude мирсибири_зима универсиада2019 grateful lafrae abletonpush2 bluesbuddha bronx shungite
There is a brand new sound for the world born in #krasnoyarsk #siberia from @s_h_u_n_g_i_t_e we call #folkfusion
Its #jazz #siberiansound #afrobeat #blues #russianfolk #electronica #funk #negrospirituals and high energy!
Thankyou @tatianakhodosh @radkevicha_college_iskusstv @arkadiy_zinov @sumakovaanzhela for your suppprt of the young musicians!
#shungiteband @ableton @noformatrecords #groovediplomacy #gratitude #abletonlive10 #abletonpush2 #composerlife #drumlife #mirsibiri #femaleproducer #universaide2019 #musicheals #blackgirls #yellagal1 #composer #fraefraegroove @oprah @ava