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Throwback to purple girl's roomba ride, as I still see this video pop up everywhere!
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here birdy, come here!
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So that’s what these things are for! Dad made my floppers into a handle! He thinks if i was a basket then he could take me EVERYWHERE with him. #gsp #gspofinstagram #gspsofinstagram #gspproblems #germanshorthairedpointer #gsppuppy #puppy #instapuppy #gspoftheday #pointerpuppy #gsplove #puppiesofinstagram #germanshorthair #gspcommunity #gspoftheday #pointer #pointersofinstagram #gspcommunity #birddog #pointerlove #lonzogsp #soundflaps #floppers #dadjokes #basketboy
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Her mission is to get the golf balls at the bottom of the pool. So far, she's accomplished learning to stand above them, which is still pretty impressive!
. @theellenshow
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Since apparently Dad is sharing MY Instagram with me this week I thought I’d post a little #flashbackfriday photo of me + Dad. This was taken the day I left my Moony Meadow and drove to my new home! I decided just a few mins after this - when we got back into the car- to take a whizz on Dad. Mom should have known then that Dad was gonna be my whole world bc I marked him as mine on day 1! #gsp #gspofinstagram #gspsofinstagram #gspproblems #germanshorthairedpointer #gsppuppy #puppy #instapuppy #gspoftheday #pointerpuppy #gsplove #puppiesofinstagram #germanshorthair #gspcommunity #gspoftheday #pointer #pointersofinstagram #gspcommunity #birddog #pointerlove #lonzogsp #flashback #ilovemydaddy #dogdad #dadsofinstagram #fbf #dadsrule #dadsrulemomsdrool
Relax, it’s Friday @darwins.evolution wins .
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credit @pointeroftheday
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Iz innocent. I promise it wasn’t me that did it
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Just sittin here being cute AF
from @gspwinston
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