gundambuilders gundam gunpla bandai gunplacommunity plamo modelkit gundambuilder mobilesuit gundamcommunity gundamcustom gundamphotography mrhobby anime bandaiamerica customgundam gundam144 gundamhg gundamuc gunplabuilder gunplacustom kitbash missionmodelspaints mobilesuitgundam mrmetalcolor teamnewtype weathering gunplabuilders gundams plasticmodel mrmetalcolor
High point side brushing.
Using the side of the fine tip brush to lightly drag over thin edge highpoints. .
#gunplacommunity #gundamcommunity #customgundam #gunpla #gundam #mobilesuit #mobilesuitgundam #bandai #bandaiamerica #gundamcustom #plamo #gundamhg #gundamuc #kitbash #gunplacustom #missionmodelspaints #weathering #mrmetalcolor #mrhobby #anime #gundam144 #modelkit #gundambuilders #gundamphotography
MRmetal color buffing. See previous post for light easy process. .
#gunplacommunity #gundamcommunity #customgundam #gunpla #gundam #mobilesuit #mobilesuitgundam #bandai #bandaiamerica #gundamcustom #plamo #gundamhg #gundamuc #kitbash #gunplacustom #missionmodelspaints #weathering #mrmetalcolor #mrhobby #anime #gundam144 #modelkit #gundambuilders
Put some time in on the #gruntsuitgang build off. The Rgm-96x Jesta and IBO Flauros (Ryusei-go) is bashing together nicely. Jesta messing around, and getting an idea of what, I want the kit to look like. Got a plastic scriber in the mail today. This should be interesting and any tips and tricks are welcomed. @gruntsuit #gundam #gunpla #gundambuilders #gundambuilder #plamo #gundamstagram #gundamlife #oldschoolnerd #plamodel #whereispenny #gundamphotography #nerdlife #universalcentury #ironbloodedorphans #mobilesuitgundam #mobilsuit #lovinglife
Part one:
base molotow application. .
#gunplacommunity #gundamcommunity #customgundam #gunpla #gundam #mobilesuit #mobilesuitgundam #bandai #bandaiamerica #gundamcustom #plamo #gundamhg #gundamuc #kitbash #gunplacustom #missionmodelspaints #weathering #mrmetalcolor #mrhobby #anime #gundam144 #modelkit #gundambuilders #gundamphotography
Last one for a bit..weathering fun town.
#teamnewtype @newtypehq #gunplacommunity #gundamcommunity #customgundam #gunpla #gundam #mobilesuit #mobilesuitgundam #bandai #bandaiamerica #gundamcustom #plamo #gundamhg #gundamuc #kitbash #gunplacustom #missionmodelspaints #weathering #mrmetalcolor #mrhobby #anime #gundam144 #modelkit #gundambuilders #gundamphotography
More fun!!! One more video after this dam IG 1min limit
#gunplacommunity #gundamcommunity #customgundam #gunpla #gundam #mobilesuit #mobilesuitgundam #bandai #bandaiamerica #gundamcustom #plamo #gundamhg #gundamuc #kitbash #gunplacustom #missionmodelspaints #weathering #mrmetalcolor #mrhobby #anime #gundam144 #modelkit #gundambuilders #gundamphotography
Snapped up the Epyon this weekend! Weapons and accessories I’ll start on tomorrow. •
#epyon #gundamwing #gundamepyon #gunpla #gundam #gundambuilder #gundambuilders #plamo #plasticmodel #bandai #builderssupportbuilders #mech #gundamstagram #modelkit #plamodel #gunplagirl #gundamgirl #gunplagirlgang