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When I take more than a week off, I feel like this
Posted @withrepost • @wodmemesforjackedupteens I wouldn’t mention it to Greg if you were having a side of Coke with your pizza
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♂️Progressive Overload VS. THE PUMP
(By @blaze_athletics)
✅ PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD is when you continually increase the demands of your muscles by increasing reps, increasing sets, and decreasing rest time. By tracking your overload over time, you can drastically increase your strength, size, and endurance of your muscles. Your body will not change unless you show your body that these are the things that absolutely NEED to happen in order for it to survive.
❌ The PUMP refers to the temporary increase in muscle size that you get when you train with lighter weights and higher reps. Often when you chase the pump in the gym, you lose track of how many reps you did and tend to not stick to a planned schedule. This can cause you to not get the most out of your workout and you may not progress as much as you want to in the gym.
HOWEVER, chasing the pump does add volume to your lagging muscles which is GOOD if you are not hitting your lagging muscles as often as you need to be. So, chasing the pump might be good once in a while for those calves .
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