halifaxskateboarding adaptiveskateboarder amputeelife halifaxlocal keepingtheundergroundlit ridethebestfucktherest spitfirewheels independenttrucks soscotian halifaxns ridethefire cutfromadifferentcloth dcshoes mobgrip thegrippiest altamontapparel stancesocks theuncommonthread dcshoesusa builttogrind adaptiveathlete compressionsocks yoursforthetaking acceptnosubstitutes livingoffthewall rawrlifesuperfoods vansoffthewall adaptive4life shakejunt chickenbonenowison independenttrucks
from @sportwheelsactionstore — The Sportwheels Summer Park tour! We're dropping into skateparks this summer to ride, jam give some prizes away and have an awesome time! Stop by your local park when we're in your town, or follow us weekly at every park! Gonna be a time! #skateparktour #sportwheelsbmx #halifaxskateboarding
from @sportwheelsactionstore
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The Sportwheels Summer Park tour! We're dropping into skateparks this summer to ride, jam, give some prizes away and have an awesome time! Stop by your local park when we're in your town, or follow us weekly at every park! Gonna be a time! #skateparktour #sportwheelsbmx #halifaxskateboarding