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Whatever happen to this campaign The ad campaign and the story they were building up pre release with Hunt the truth and Agent Locke hunting MasterChief was amazing. Then get the game the campaign was just eh.
The potential the storyline had and what we actually got in game was just a let down in my opinion ....Then for chief and Locke to only have like a 30 second fist fight come on now
What do you guys think ❓ Don’t yell at me too much, I am just a man ....who didn’t like Halo 5s campaign...if you liked it and still play it to this day all the power to you #haloclub
#halo #halo5guardians #haloinfinite #xbox #Masterchief #Arbiter #Cortana #343industries #Agentlocke #xboxone
To all my Legendary campaign runners.....WHAT were your thoughts on Halo 2’s campaign on legendary Did you complete it
I always have YouTube playing on my tv to serve as like background noise while doing essays and this Youtuber “The Act Man” videos started playing out of no where cause i guess it was suggested and i found his videos pretty funny
This video in particular he talked about what made Halo 2’s campaign amazing
Have a great night everyone #haloclub
#halo2 #haloinfinite #xbox #xboxone #343industries #Masterchief #Cortana #Arbiter #halo5guardians
Bts of the making of halo 4, commissioning trailer. Another reason why I love this game. The live action cinematics and marketing around it.
It was a real suit!!
Image Source/Twitter
#halo #haloinfinite #halowars2 #halo5 #halo5guardians #halo2anniversary #halomcc #halo4 #halocea #halo3 #halo2 #haloce #masterchief #cortana #spartans #343industries