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Wardrobe for rabbit Edward. Rather, it is a gift to my daughter for her favorite toy. Women have two problems - nothing to wear and nowhere to put. With the second problem figured out. And the first mother decided, gave her a sewing machine.
Шифоньер для кролика Эдварда. Вернее это подарок моей дочурке для её любимой игрушки. У женщин две проблемы - нечего носить и некуда сложить. Со второй проблемой разобрались. А первую мама решила, подарила ей швейную машинку. .
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These substantial Veritas Mortice Chisels take some beating. The blades are extremely durable PM-V11 steel alloy and designed to withstand some serious prying. Plus, they only need some final honing before you are producing fine woodwork. .
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Tutorial time! Learn how to sew the 1790s “serging” technique I shared in my last post! If you want to view this or my other videos in a larger format check out my Vimeo! (Link in bio✨) #rememberwhatyourhandscando *
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@johnsonbrosdrywall is ready to rock with their new #dewaltdrywalltools skimming blade setup. Enjoy!
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Porque sabemos de tu dedicación en cada tarea cotidiana, este SORTEO está pensado para simplificarte el trabajo y que tengas tu KIT de HERRAMIENTAS BREMEN® siempre a mano.
Podés ganar todo esto: Cinta Métrica de 5mts., 2 Destornilladores (Punta Plana y Phillips), Pinza Punta Chata, Pinza Universal, Pinza Pico de Loro y Martillo Antivibración.
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Recordá que, como siempre, si compartís la publicación en tu Historia, duplicás la chance de ganar.
Fecha del Sorteo: Viernes 02/08/2019.
Bases & Condiciones: http://bit.ly/2XrwJUC
Sorteo válido para Instagram y Facebook en paralelo.
#BremenTools #QualitätUndDesign #HerramientasBremen #Herramientas #Herramienta #Tools #HerramientasManuales #CalidadyDiseño #BremenHerramientas #Bremen #Martillo #CintasMetricas #Destornillador #PicoDeLoro #Pinza #Pinzas #CintaMetrica #HerramientasProfesionales #HandToolsOnly
We were thrilled to have Jeff Miller @furnituremaking join us this past weekend for our annual Open House. Our newest video launch, Chippendale Chairs with Jeff Miller, was just released in a streaming option on our website, and will be available as a DVD very soon.
The Chippendale-style Chair is a project you’ll want to show off, and building one will greatly increase your capabilities as a woodworker. Carefully worked out methods make this chair an accessible — but still challenging – hand tool project.
#woodworkingvideo #handtoolsonly #chippendalefurniture #chairmaking #handtoolthursday #lienielsen #lienielsentoolworks
A green roofed log shed near Penrith. This roof is planted with wild flower and grass plugs in 2008 and the growing media is 100mm deep crushed building mixed with 20% coir potting compost. The photo was taken one year after planting.
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