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One journey ends, and the real adventure starts. ❤️ We love this "before & after" shot from @colorado.momma. Your little one is absolutely beautiful! Mama's and mama's to be, don't forget to tag us in your newborn pics and #premamajourney. With you every step of the way!
#premamawellness #expectbetter
I'm pretty sure that teething goes from when they're 3 months to about 30 years. At least it feels like that right now! ♀️ But regardless of when your baby is actually teething, there are some things that can help both of you get through it. ➡️Teething can cause huge appetite disruptions! Like something one day and won't touch it the next? *Could be* teething. It's a common culprit, so don't jump straight to something more dire! ➡️Don't get discouraged! You might start thinking that there's no point in continuing to give them food while they're teething. But one day they'll surprise you and start eating well again, and you won't know when that is if you're not offering real food to them. So keep offering! ➡️Offer cold and/or soft things to help. Think popsicles of fruit and yogurt, or just freeze smoothies. You can freeze pieces of fruits or vegetables for them to gnaw on, but I always recommend being very cautious with these as if they break a chunk off it's a choking hazard. ➡️Some kids enjoy things that are harder too, like rusks or toast. Offer a variety of textures to see which one works best for yours. ➡️Keep them hydrated! They're unlikely to want to eat much, so make sure you're offering liquids frequently. Especially water for kids older than one, and let them drink more breastmilk/formula when they're under one. This is probably the most important thing to keep in mind! We want them hydrated! But with that said, all you can do is offer frequently. Don't worry if they aren't drinking all that you offer. ➡️Your job is just to ride it out! There's nothing you can really do to fix it, unfortunately. And you never know how long the teething will last, so make sure you're continuing to offer balanced meals so they have the opportunity to eat when they're ready. Have you found something that worked especially well for your child?
#kidnutrition #toddlerfood #toddlermomlife #parentingtips #parenting101 #babyledweaning #babyledweaningideas #whatifeedmytoddler #toddlereats #feedingkids #nutritiontip #momming #babyfood #blwideas #blwinspiration #firstfood #momlife #6monthsold #7monthsold #healthytoddler #healthybaby #toddlermeals
Hoje foi um dia atípico, JF já deveria estar dormindo, mas papai está em reunião...assim que a Tetê dormiu o deixei vendo TV, algo que nunca fazemos à noite, salvo excessões como a de hoje! Ele já tinha jantado mais cedo, comeu o bolinho que sempre levo na saída do hotelzinho, mas quando me viu na cozinha abandonou a TV e veio ver a mamãe! Puxou o banquinho, ajudou a fazer a comida e depois se sentou à mesa e devorou o que era pra ser meu prato, um macarrão de abobrinha com molho de tomate caseiro e patinho moído! Se eu fico orgulhosa? Muito! Sabe porque? Porque é uma desconstrução pra mim, uma evolução e uma nova maneira de enxergar minha alimentação e meu papel como mãe, que cuida e se preocupa que suas escolhas sejam muito diferentes das que pra mim foram apresentadas anos atrás! O que quero dizer é que nada disso aí no vídeo funcionaria se aqui não fôssemos exemplo, se não tivéssemos mudado nossos hábitos! Crianças são esponjinhas, aprendem com o que são expostos diariamente! Longe de mim querer criá-lo numa bolha, mas sei que esse é um passo importante pra que ele saiba fazer escolhas acertadas quando precisar! E a gente segue acertando e errando muito, mas tentando sempre escrever uma história diferente e quebrando ciclos! Que venha a IA da Tetê #introducaoalimentar #nutriçãoinfantil #healthyfood #healthybaby
Since I’m shadowbanned once again, the reach of my posts is limited. Please repost and tag a friend. This is crucial information for everyone!
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♻️Make sure to properly detoxify your body & balance the biochemistry before having children!
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⚠️If you’ve already had children or are currently pregnant, you can start safely detoxifying your children and your body. It’s not too late to reverse the damage done.
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Link in BIO for my Healing & Detox Guides for Adults & Children!
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➡️If my Guides are not appealing to you, I urge you to start taking some action towards clean & balanced body. #HealthIsWealth
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⚕️This is something western doctors have no idea about, so don’t expect them to give proper advice. They will prescribe pharmaceuticals for “pregnancy symptoms” and inject with poison without any idea how big of a danger they’re putting expecting mothers and their children. Commonly there are only warnings about alcohol and cigarette use during pregnancy (which of course are detrimental to mother and baby), but they surely aren’t the only issues.
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We all have heavy metal and other type of toxicity to some extent. Those are also accompanied by parasites and nutrient deficiencies, which too are affecting baby’s development and transferred to the next generation, if not properly addressed.
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1️⃣Toxic mother (harmful growing environment) +
2️⃣Toxic father (low-quality sperm) =
3️⃣Unhealthy baby
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My Ultimate Healing & Detox Guide is excellent before, during & after pregnancy. Link in BIO! Use code HEALTH19 for a discount.
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❤️Sharing is caring! Tag a friend.
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#healthypregnancy #healthybaby #pregnant #childrenarethefuture #infertility #spermquality #cleanseyourbody #detoxify #healyourbody
Have you ever cut your kids finger when cutting nails?
This is the one time you will ever see my child watching a screen on this feed (and remember this is a judgment-free zone please)
All kids are different and some are more wiggly than others! What works for my kids is they are allowed to watch Mr Rogers Neighborhood while I cut their nails as this is the only way I can keep them perfectly still so I don't accidentally hurt them. When I am done cutting their nails... I let them know "this is the last nail and we are going to say bye to Mr. Rogers" and I let them know what we are going to do next. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Another little Dr. Organic Mommy pop quiz:
When you cut your kids you:
A) Hold them down while screaming
B) Let them watch TV
C) Do it when they are sleeping
D) I don't have this problem. My kids love getting their nails cut
#parentingtips #parenting101 #momproblems #parentingdoneright #parentingwin #kidlife #mommymoments #mommymode #hygiene #healthykid #kidapproved #parentslife #childdevelopment #earlychildhoodeducator #healthybaby #momssupportingmoms