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Hashtags for theme #HEALTHYLIFESTYLE

SUSHI BOWL ✨ I’m a HUGE veggie sushi lover but am 1. Often too lazy to make my own and 2. Don’t wanna spend all that on food that I can make much less expensive for myself. So instead, I save sushi for dates with loved ones and make this delicious sushi bowl at home instead! I relied heavily on this bowl during my dietetic internship, since it’s super filling, delicious, and comes together in just a few minutes (especially if you prep rice or quinoa ahead of time!) ✨. . To make : Cook quinoa or brown rice (I used quinoa here). While that’s cooking, microwave a sweet potato to steam. Meanwhile, chop veggies- I love carrot, cucumber, and usually avocado but I was out today. Steam edamame as per package instructions. Once all components are done, top with sesame seeds, soy sauce, dried nori sheets + vegan sriracha mayo (just mayo mixed with sriracha- totally optional). Enjoy!

Hashtags for theme #HEALTHYLIFESTYLE

Have you tried this @healthyfoodadvice . Don't forget to tag your family and friends I hope you like and follow my page @healthyfoodadvice there will be many more posts to come for your help THANK YOU :) . eatwell #healthswap #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthybody #healthychoices #healthyrecipes #healthybreakfast #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthysnacks #healthymeals #healthiswealth #healthjourney #healthyfoodadvice #healthyliving #healthcoach #healthymeals

Hashtags for theme #HEALTHYLIFESTYLE

Hi Leute Ich hoffe ihr seid gut in die sonnige, neue Woche gestartet. Was kann schöner sein, als morgens mit einem Kaffee ☕ in der Sonne ☀️ zu sitzen und am Notebook zu arbeiten? Für mich nicht sehr viel Um dieses herrliche Dasein nicht durch einen längeren Einkaufs- und Koch-Stint unterbrechen zu müssen, habe ich habe ich heute Resteverwertung gemacht . Daraus wurde ein leckeres Ofengericht mit Geflügel, Kartoffeln und Gemüse. Vorbereitet in 10 min. und den Rest hat der Ofen von alleine gemacht. Perfekt Habt alle eine richtig gute Zeit and enjoy the weather ☀️☀️ . . Rezept 6 Hähnchenteile 1 Putenkeule (optional) 5 Kartoffeln 3 Zwiebeln 3 Karotten 3 Tomaten 5 Stangen grüner Spargel 1 Paprika 1 Stange Lauch 1 Zitrone - Das Gemüse ist variabel und kann nach Belieben ausgetauscht werden. 1 Dose passierte Tomaten 150 ml Hühnerbrühe 3 Knoblauchzehen Paprikapulver Knoblauchpulver Salz Pfeffer 1 TL Chilipulver (optional) 3 EL Olivenöl . Backofen auf 200 Grad vorheizen. Hähnchenteile waschen, trockenen. Dann mit wenig Olivenöl einreiben und mit Salz, Pfeffer, Knoblauchpulver und Paprikapulver würzen. Kartoffeln schälen und klein schneiden. Zwiebeln schälen und vierteln. Zitrone in Scheiben schneiden. Das Gemüse in Mundgerechte Stücke schneiden. Kartoffeln und Karotten in einer Auflaufform verteilen. Knoblauchzehen mit der Hand etwas zerdrücken und dazulegen. Hähnchenteile darauf legen. Passierte Tomaten mit der Gemüsebrühe mischen und in der Auflaufform verteilen. Zitronenscheiben dazwischen verteilen. Jetzt ca. 30 min im Ofen backen. Nun das übrige Gemüse dazu geben und weitere 40 min backen, bzw. solange bis die Hähnchenteile vollständig durchgegart sind. Auf Tellern anrichten und servieren Enjoy . . . #hähnchen #huhn #geflügel #healthylifestyle #spargel #gesundundlecker #hühnchen #gesundessen #chicken #healthy #poultry #kartoffeln #ofengericht #abnehmen #healthyfood #fgfam #asparagus #cleaneating #ausliebezumessen #selbstgemacht #homemade #garlicchicken #fasching #weightwatcher #lemonchicken #casserole #rezepte #rezept #easyrecipes

Hashtags for theme #HEALTHYLIFESTYLE

PALEO VEGAN CHOCOLATE AVOCADO MOUSSE coming in hotttt Are you trying to eat clean but have a difficult time satisfying your sweet tooth? If you love chocolate as much as I do, this is the real deal This dairy and refined sugar free treat is made with avocados which gives the mousse its fluffy texture (plus the healthy monounsaturated fats ). Raw cacao is chock-full of flavanols and polyphenols which squelch free radicals and inflammation while increases blood circulation and stimulation of the brain. It’s also rich in magnesium which soothes the central nervous system and relaxes the muscles. To make the CHOCOLATE AVOCADO MOUSSE, you will need: • 2 medium avocado • 1/4 cup organic unsweetened almond milk • 2 medjool dates, soaked and pitted • 3 tbsp @drinkcacoco spicy dark chocolate w/ habanero + reishi • 3 tbsp @navitasorganics organic cacao powder • 1-2 tbsp 100% pure maple syrup Start by soaking 2 dates in luke warm water for 20 minutes. Combine 1/4 cup almond milk and add @drinkcacoco chocolate nibs to a NutriBullet (small food processor works too). You can also sub with 3 tbsp cacao powder if you don’t have @drinkcacoco. Blend. Next, combine 2 medium avocados, dates (soaked), cacao powder, and maple syrup. Note: there should be a total of 6 tbsp of chocolate. Blend on high. Since this will be thick, you will likely need to stir with a spoon and then blend several times. Top with fresh figs, blueberries, shredded unsweetened coconut, @beekeepers_naturals cacao superfood honey, and cacao nibs. Enjoy!

Hashtags for theme #HEALTHYLIFESTYLE

Vegan sushi burger loaded with Teriyaki Shredded Jackfruit, avocado, pickled ginger, vegan mayo & red cabbage. —— By @raw_manda —— #protein #nutrition #carbs #iifym#fitfood#cleaneating#macros#muscle #foodsile #meal #eat#carb#burger #healthysnack#protein#macros#chickenbreast#bodybuilding#bodybuildingfood#healthyfood#healthylifestyle#vegetarian#sushi

Hashtags for theme #HEALTHYLIFESTYLE

#sponsored Eating healthy means cooking healthy & snacking healthy- Both of which can sometimes be expensive- thats why @thrivemarket is awesome! Thrive Market is a membership community that delivers the world’s best healthy food and natural products to members at wholesale prices! They also sponsor free memberships for low-income American families which makes me feel good inside. ❤️ #ThinkingThrive

Hashtags for theme #HEALTHYLIFESTYLE

Pão de abóbora + queijo coalho grelhado + abacate + ovo frito... amo isso! Receita do PÃO DE ABÓBORA que vocês pediram! Se fizer hoje à noite, amanhã consegue comer no café da manhã ☺️ . 2 ovos 1/2 xícara de água morna 1/2 xícara de abóbora cozida amassada 3 colheres de sopa de azeite de oliva 1 xícara de farinha (escolha uma nutritiva como amêndoas, aveia, castanha de caju. Se for só farinha de arroz vai pesar demais.) 1 colher de sopa rasa de sal (se não colocar, vai ficar pão doce) 1 colher de sopa de fermento biológico (aquele em bolinhas, pra pão mesmo!) Modo de preparo: misture os ingredientes em uma bacia, despejar em uma forma untada (não escolha uma forma grande pois esse pão é pequeno. Uma forma de 10x20 é suficiente. Deixe descansar por 30min até que cresça. Coloque em forno pra aquecido a 180 graus por 30/35 minutos, dependendo do forno. Fatie e congele se preferir! Por descongelar, coloque direto em uma frigideira moreninha, fogo baixo que descongela rapidinho! . #pumpkinbread #paodemoranga #glutenfree #semgluten #pumpkin #eggs #morning #breakfast #avocado #queijocoalho #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #healthybreakfast

Hashtags for theme #HEALTHYLIFESTYLE

So many people tell me that they refuse to go to the gym because they’re afraid that they’ll look ‘stupid.’ Well I can tell you that I’ve looked ‘stupid’ hundreds of times & probably do every other workout. That’s how you learn. Nobody walks into a gym for their first time & automatically knows how to do every workout & how to use every single machine. I promise you nobody is intently watching you and critiquing you as you work out & if they are, more often times than not they will try to help you out. Never be afraid to ask someone for help! We all start somewhere & in order to progress you have to get out of your comfort zone & try something new

Hashtags for theme #HEALTHYLIFESTYLE

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” . . LOVE this quote. Mindset is EVERYTHING. Monday—the beginning of a new week. You have the option to view it as ‘great it’s monday’ OR you can view it as ‘YAY MONDAY‍♀️’— the opportunity to start fresh, set some goals for the week, & kick ass at life. The choice is yours.☝ & I hope you all choose to take on the week with a positive mindset and just freakin crush your week.✨ . . Double tap if you’re excited for what the week brings & starting YOUR WEEK with a positive outlook.

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