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It’s so hard to embrace change or anything new in life after loss... I always imagine how mum would have been or what she would have said if she was here. I can’t help thinking about the love I am missing. I have some news that my mum would have loved to be a part of and I’m so scared to start this chapter without her being here physically... I know she is around me most days but will her absence feel so much bigger when I bring new life into the world? ✨#grievingdaughter #griefquotes #gutwrenching #grievingquotes #heartache #heartache #motherlessdaughters #newchapter
Obsessive Love vs All other kinds of love.
Obsessive Love grips us the most. Look at Rumi’s poems. We give and give and it can feel so good to can lose ourselves in it. Until it becomes unhealthy. ❣️
However, many different kinds of love are available to us. All come from the SAME SOURCE of POSITIVE ENERGY with their distinct set of emotional experiences.
May you experience each kind of love in your life. May you also provide each kind of love to those around you in one way or another INCLUDING YOURSELF.
Tell me in the comments below. ———————————————-
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