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Arena run result: 12-0
Class: Rogue
Deck strength:
Curve, flexible removals, reach
This could be my first 12-0 with Rogue! Rogue relies on the tempo and curve, once you don’t curve out well it’s easy to lose a game or two, so 12-0 is quite rare.
Really all-rounded deck. Shadowstep gives great value with Vilespine and Blink Fox. Double Hench Clan Thug is really strong. Want to find a weakness of this deck, but I even got Vanish that is sort of a boardclear against a wide spread. Worgen Abom is surprisingly strong with the dagger. Cold Blood is proved still good at 2 mana.
After so many micro adjustments from Blizzard to nerf Rogue, you can still do well with the class.
Draft strong 3,4,5 drops for curve
Deal more face damage vs control classes
Check out #12winsdeckshowcase if you want to see my previous 12 wins decks’ analysis.
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I'm the most exciting D list hearthstone pro ever.
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Murloc power
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Public Service Announcement: Stop it, you aren't Sintolol, or Kolento. You take too long to figure out the most basic of plays. It's annoying.
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Nah but seriously, am I too radical a thinker, or something? ·
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