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How I’m spending my Fri-yay because of terrible rain ☔️ in Wales snuggling with my hedgys watching Netflix and eating treaties Happy Fri-yay! .
Thank you Angela @angeladestecroix for my iron on patches - they are so pawsome. I woof them on my fave blankie .
RALPH10 at @poochbandana for 10% off .
#ralphdailyzu #shihtzunation #shihtzumania #shihtzulovers #shihtzulove #shihtzusofinstagram #shihtzu #personalisedblanket #irononpatches #hedehog .
My pawsome pawtners! Follow them, they’re so cute!! @wilber_the_shorkie @jaxthetzu
@charlietheshihtzubear @oliver_gordon_shihtzu @niko.petrillo @freddie.and.beau @noodles_shihtzu @princegizmotheshihtzu @sebastian.snortimer @_tiny_bella
@chandler_the_shih_tzu @therealboseph
@sophiethesweetshihtzu .
My lil bro - @teddy_shih_tzu__
My burger bestie - @sophieshihtzunr1
My beach buddy - @elvis_thedog17
My gorgeous girlfuriend - @monster_barksalot .
Use code ‘RALPH10’ to get 10% off @frenchie_the_frenchie - click the link in their bio!