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Connaissez vous l'hysope, (hyssopus officinalis ou l'herbe sacré des hébreux) ? C'est un arbrisseau vivace et aromatique de la même famille que la sarriete, le thym ou l'origan. Bien connue au Moyen-Âge, ses feuilles étaient utilisées en infusion pour combattre la toux, et les infections pulmonaires grâce à ses propriétés antivirale et antibactérienne mais aussi antispasmodique et expectorante. Je l'aime particulièrement pour la cuisine. J'adore son arôme entre la menthe et la sauge qui parfume subtilement mes salades. Il y a certainement d'autres usages que vous avez peut être expérimenté. Je serai ravie de les découvrir .

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We did a distillation of Rosemary yesterday for our first true spagyric tincture ⚗️ ⁣ Rosemary corresponds with the Sun , so Sunday was the perfect day to harvest and distill it. ⁣ ⁣ @sensorysolutionsherbal write beautifully about Rosemary in their book ‘The Sensory Herbal Handbook’... ‘As a herb of the Sun, Rosemary energises, heats and circulates. Rosemary has been associated with memory for centuries, students in Ancient Rome and Greece wore rosemary crowns on their heads while studying, specifically for this quality. The plant brings freshly oxigenated blood to the peripheral arteries in the head.’ ⁣ ⁣ After distilling the plant, we will separate the oil and hydrosol and leave aside. Then we will ferment the leftover plant material to create a rosemary ‘wine’ which will be further distilled and purified. We will then calcine the left over plant material into a white ash, leech out the minerals from it with the hydrosol water and then recombine with the oil and spirit ! ⁣ ⁣ I’m loving this process so much! Will keep you posted ‍

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Happy monday my IG friends. I hope you are on track with your 2019 health goals. ..Be A "CONSCIOUS EATER". I am Sharing with you one of my favorite natural home remedies for kidney and liver detox : Ripe papaya seeds with honey is known to detox your digestive tract of worm & parasites and detox your kidney and liver. Have you ever tasted papaya seeds? . . . . . #holistic #naturalhealing #homeremedies #papaya #papayaseeds #healthygut #digestion #parasites #parasitecleanse #health #healthyplants #honey #cleandiet #cleanse #teagram #foodpics #yummy #kidneyhealth #photooftheday #drinks #yummy #healthcoach #spice #relaxationmood #savourous #healthtips #herbalmedecine #liverhealth #naturalhealing #naturopathicmedicine

Hashtags for theme #HERBALMEDECINE

There is sweet and salty all around us, isn’t there? But a healthy diet often lacks bitter! Yuck, why do we want bitter? We often avoid bitter foods but they are our biggest digestive tool! There are many reasons we might have compromised digestion, and there are a multitude of symptoms. One of the most common causes of digestive distress is low stomach acid, and many factors can cause this as well. Low stomach acid can trigger heartburn, gas, bloating, cramping, constipation, diarrhoea, nausea…the usual suspects. Health begins with digestion, and our ancestors intuitively knew this. Many cultures include bitter foods as part of a meal, and some use traditional #digestivebitters . I’m a big fan of #ancestralhealth and use bitters to give my digestion a helping hand. Yes, you can buy pre-made bitters (although I have found them very difficult to find in the UK) but it’s soooooo much cheaper to make your own. I recently found a nice bag of #swedishbitters online from @justingredients which is a quick and easy way to do it. I just put half the bag in a jar, and pour in a 750ml bottle of organic vodka. Seal the mason jar, and give it a gentle shake once a day for 2-4 weeks. You just add a little bit of the tincture to some sparkly water and sip before a meal. This stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, stomach acid, and bile, as the bitter herbs stimulate your digestive juices to get everything ready for the big event. Our ancestors were so wise! Have you ever tried bitters? Mine will be ready in time for the Christmas feast. I’m on the hunt for a big herbal apothecary I can visit in person (or small one but stocked with big jars of herbal goodness) so I can source some specific herbs for my bitters, so if you know of one, please let me know! . . . . #letfoodbethymedicine #herbalmedecine #traditionalmedicine #herbalremedies #nourishingtraditions #westonaprice #digestivehealth #nutritionaltherapy #lowstomachacid #guthealth #ibs #sibo #dysbiosis #holistichealth #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #healthcoach #wellbeingcoach #slowhome #slowhealth #holisticliving #healthyliving #nontoxicliving #intentionalliving #slowliving

Hashtags for theme #HERBALMEDECINE

Create a space that feeds your soul and that honors exactly who you are! I’ve done so with the beautiful @sacredvibesapothecary! . . . #sacredvibesapothecary #plantmedicine #herbalism #modernapothecary #apothecaryshop #herbalapothecary #blackownedbusines #herbalmedecine #witchy #witchesoninstagram

Hashtags for theme #HERBALMEDECINE

P A I N I don’t know about you but as soon as the cold weather sets in all my old injuries flare up and start giving me pain. There are lots of thoughts about why these aches and pains manifest in the winter months. Hippocrates himself notes that “many illnesses were related to changes in season”. One common theory is that when there is a drop in atmospheric pressure, gases inside the body can expand and when this happens, the gas within the fluids that surround our joints and tendons can expand and become swollen. The extra pressure on our nerves can wreak havoc on previously damaged tissues and leads to pain. Another explanation is that when it’s cold our muscles can tense up and tighten which also puts pressure on the injured nerves. In response to yesterday’s pain (on the foot I broke at the end of last summer) I’ve been sipping lots of rosemary tea, a great herb for reducing inflammation in the body and also using a balm with rosemary essential oil, applying it directly to my foot. Let’s see how it does!

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As I mentioned yesterday and you may well know..we can't cure any viruses.again there is debate over whether they are even alive.. I was going to go into how you can know the difference between a viral infection and a. bacterial one but honestly there is no surefire method and the goal here isn't to identify what bacteria are infecting us and use an applicable plant or herb that will act as a guided missile and take out the offender. Almost all colds are Viral and all we can do is the same thing Drs will do..treat those nasty symptoms..and that's where are herbal allies can shine..We all know those symptoms..coughing, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, headache, and let's start with the first one since there is a bit to cover here..the cough.. one of things I want people to realize is what your body is doing..and how it's communicating to you..because in a way that's what is going on..your body knows what to do and when you're sick it springs into action.. people mistakenly use the words mucus and phlegm interchangeably but they are 2 different things. Phlegm is produced by your lungs and respiratory system .mucus works to trap unwanted bacteria and allergens (such as dust or pollen), preventing them from spreading through your body and making you sick. Your body always produces mucus, but you may notice it most when it changes as a result of a respiratory infection. Bacteria or allergens can cause your mucous membranes to become more productive, but mucus exposed to these materials also contains a substance called histamine. Histamine causes the tissue in your nasal passages to swell and produce more, thinner mucus. This usually leads to a runny nose, as well as sneezing, itching, and nasal stuffiness. Your mucus may also become thicker or stickier when you're sick, meaning it won't simply slide down your throat. Instead, it may build up in your lungs and throat, causing congestion and — in severe cases — leading to difficulty breathing or swallowing. Cont #foraging #naturalhealing #wildharvest #healingherbs #herbalmedecine

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I love the stars flowers from the borage they are so delicate and beautiful . . #borage #winterintasmania #winterdays #herbgarden #season #seasonal #enchantedgarden #borageflowers #herbalmedecine #photography #healthbenifits #catchingthelight #backtothebasics #flowersandleaves #gardeningaustralia #beautygardenworldwide #aujardin #bourrache #bourracheofficinale #jardin #jardindautrefois #bloomandgrow #beautifullife #jardinaromatique #plantemedicinale #edibleflowers #jardin #country_stilllife #blueflowers #stilllifegallery

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