highlysensitive highlysensitiveperson empath highlysensitivepeople introvert infjproblems sensitive infjpersonality empathy infj introvertproblems infjfacts infjpersonalitytype infjstruggles selflove anxiety hypersensitive infjconfessions infjparadox infjquotes infjthings mbti empaths healing infjmen infjwoman introverts vulnerability actuallyautistic заготовкидляключей
i've seen a few of these types of posts floating around, and it inspired me to add to the conversation based on my own experiences. i do believe that healing looks different for all of us because of our unique wounding, but there can be some commonalities. •
part of healing (for me) has looked like this: for the first time in my life, not beating myself up for opening my heart, and for leaning in to an uncertain situation - one that could have gone really well, or really badly. •
it went badly. and i was given the opportunity to see myself respond in a way that i would not have been able to even months prior. the stories i usually tell myself about my unloveability, my wrongness, the certainty i had that i'm destined to be alone in this life - these were mere passing thoughts. they were not the truths i had held close every time i was rejected in this way. •
through this situation, i've been given the gift of seeing that healing can show up in a myriad of ways, that it comes slowly and so subtly that it often takes a big shake up to realize it at all. •
of all, i think the greatest sign of our healing is our willingness to step onto the journey, because it means we're no longer in victim mode; we have chosen to believe that things can get better, that we have the power to make better choices for ourselves, and that in the long run, we can exist on a healthier, calmer, more joyful base line. •
no matter how long the journey, no matter how many different things we try, we stay on the path because we hold the hope for ourselves that healing is possible, that we are worthy of it. •
what has healing looked like for you?
#courageovercomfort #selfhealers