hiyoritono ikuyakirishima freedivetothefuture freeiwatobiswimclub freeeternalsummer anime harukananase makototachibana rinmatsuoka nagisahazuki rinharu freestartingdays reiryugazaki free freeanime freetakeyourmarks asahishiina kisumishigino natsuyakirishima iwatobiswimclub freehighspeed goumatsuoka seijuromikoshiba aiichironitori freetimelessmedley naoserizawa rinxharu sosukeyamazaki splashfree animeboy freehighspeed
okay so the first thing I want to address is how hard it was for me to chose between rin and my number one favourite free character. I really love both of them to bits and honestly, rin was my number one character first but at the time he was the only one I focused on. now I love all of them. second thing I want to talk about is what I love about rin. I love his development and how he’s come back to his amazing, cute, friendly, warm hearted self. even when rin was an arrogant, obsessive jerk, I still admired him bc I understood what he’d been through and the truth is, haru inspired him to be better so you can’t blame him for trying. because of his hard ships and his pain, he has grown so much. he is a natural leader, he knows how to comfort and help people with their personal issues, he’s caring, embraces his friends, tells people straight, has a gorgeous body ;) & is just an ultimately dynamic and super talented person. [cr:@voidackerman]
I just got hit with the Free DF cuteness
Tags #shizuruisurugi #romiohayahune #makototachibana #ayumu #reiryugazaki #nagisahazuki #goumatsuoka #mikoshibaisuzu #harukananase #makoharu #rinmatsuoka #sousukeyamazaki #aiichironitori #momotaroumikoshiba #sosukeyamazaki #ikuyakirishima #hiyoritono #iwatobiswimclub #freeeternalsummer #freedivetothefuture
thank you for an amazing 2018 <3
cc kagune
ac sugawaura
dt tagged -
#freeedit #freeiwatobiswimclub #freedivetothefuture #makoharu #makoharuedit #makotoedit #haruedit #ikuyori #ikuyakirishima #hiyoritono #sousukeyamazaki #rinmatsuoka #momomikoshiba #nagisahazuki #reiryugazaki #makototachibana #harukananase #kisumishigino #asahishiina #amv #animepage #aichironitori #animeedits #happyedits #shipedit #editingaudios #audiosforedits #happyaudios
nothing but respect for the originals ✋
— in my defense i made this only a few episodes into s3 I DON'T HATE HIYORI ANYMORE but i don't like him either i'm kinda eh but his asshole side did deserve this for dissing haru and makoto
— ac: mine, heavily edited, please give credit or persish
— dt: everyone on my story who voted for the hiyori edit (wink wink) ;))