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Idea of having a good holiday: Chill out at a coffee shop and look at everything that I am given, and say thank you for everything I have. And ask: What will be the next meaningful thing I can do?
Oh, one thing I’d like to thank is my iphone case @sg_marble for it has saved my phone many times from breaking. @starbucks @starbuckshk
Coffee shop ☕️☕️
Pacific Place Starbucks Reserve
金鐘道太古廣場一樓106 號
#phonecases #雲石手機殼 #靚靚手機殻 #coffeeshop#hongkongcoffeeshop#香港咖啡店 #starbucks#hongkongstarbucks #金鐘好去處 #星巴克咖啡 #godlove#holidayplans #thanksful#人生哲學
Thinking back to that popping orange door under the big Buddha in .
It was raining heavily on our way to the Ngong Ping mountain village so we had to buy a stylish raining coat.☔️
#visithongkong #hongkong #bigbuddah #ngongping360
#exchangesemester #gooutside #allaboutadventure #hkblog #Hkphotography #hongkongexplore #discoverhongkong #sonyhongkong #explorehongkong
#hongkonginsta #hktraveller #portraitfeed #ngongpingvillage
#diewocheaufinstagram #gameof10k #getoutstayout #iamatraveler #exploretocreate #exploremore #artofvisuals #earthoutdoors10k #vibesofvisual #sonyalpha #sonyimages #sonyworldclub #a6500
上星期和另一位同樣是5月生日的birthday girl @littlemiss_charo 一起去銅鑼灣 @momo_aveda 染髮,用半天時間換來耳目一新的新髮色 (又漂又染,不過頭髮沒有變乾草,大力推薦XD) ,然後再去studio拍了一輯造型相片,真心覺得這個新髮色很好看,拍出來的效果很不錯~
謝謝 @freemankong 、@edgar_hairtechnician 和 @kornbarry 的巧手,下次再來銅鑼灣找你們啦
最後要感謝攝影師 @cheric.inspiration ,辛苦了,照片非常非常好看。攝影師本身是專業拍攝人像,如果大家準備結婚或想拍小品,也可以找他拍喔 ☺
#momosalon #momoaveda #銅鑼灣髮型屋 #新髮色 #travelwithstella #kfamily #hktraveller #hkig #hkblog #hkblogger #hktravelblogger #travelgram #travelholic #travelphotography #hksalon #hkgirl #momosalonaveda #aveda #avedahk #hairsalon #hairdye #phaseone #photooftheday #portrait #portraitphotography #newface #sexy
呢個夏天可以盡快咁同陽光玩遊戲啦. Olay 細胞級修護防曬乳不但有 SPF50+ PA++++ 高效防曬, 更有革命性 Micro-Gel Technology,防曬分子比一般防 曬產品更小,形成高密度防護膜,完美阻隔紫外線!加上極地成分海藻糖,可在每 個細胞形成防護膜,鎖住細胞水分,特別保濕!仲有皮膚科醫生推薦,不含酒精、油脂,質地水潤清爽。
如果想肌膚白裏透光,更要從內修護,每天配合使用 OLAY 皇牌光塑淡斑精華,內含獨 家日本珍珠光學科技及純度高達 99%嘅維他命 B3,光感亮白效果超越 14 款專櫃美白精華,可以深層 #淡斑,抑制黑色素,從肌底擊退暗黃。
#超人気の美白対策 #內修護外防禦 #細胞級修護防曬乳
#皮膚科醫生推薦 #零酒精零油脂零負擔 #皇牌美白精華 #OLAYHK
⠀ ⠀
Here’s what I’ve learnt while living in HK so far:
It’s not easy to build a strong friendship in HK. For most people I know, HK is a transitory home, some of them leave the city in one year, some stay here a bit longer. Even if people say that they will stay in touch, more likely it’s the last time they see each other. That’s totally fine, as not all connections are meant to last forever. Though feels awkward, when I can’t even remember the name of a person I used to hang out with, I hope it’s only because I’m bad at remembering names #moscowvshk ⠀