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Is this a dream? RYAN. IS. DONE.
After 6 months of chemotherapy and finishing out the last month of daily trips to Mayo in Rochester for Proton Beam Radiation Therapy , we are so excited (thrilled, elated, in a strange state of shock?!) to say Ryan has officially completed his treatment for Stage 2b Bulky Hodgkin's Lymphoma While radiation obviously wasn't a walk in the park for Ryan, compared to the horrible side effects from chemo, radiation was much better tolerated. Ryan has battled every step of the way like a warrior. He's been brave, optimistic, and determined through it all. The boys and I could not be prouder to call him ours and are so excited for him to know he is starting to feel more like himself after a long year of pre-diagnosis illnesses and eventual treatments. Our boys are so lucky to have him as a role model and I'm lucky to have him as a partner in this life.
We're so grateful for our parents who helped take him to radiation on the days I couldn't and to my sister who helped with our boys and pup. I'v'e said it time and again - without our village, these past seven months would have been a living nightmare. From our closest family to complete strangers, we have experienced so much kindness and generosity. We've seen God working in people and places you'd never expect. We've felt and witnessed a lot of sadness and fear these past months - in our hearts and home, in waiting rooms and hospitals - but have also bore witness to even more love and hope. That's the biggest lesson I think we will take from this difficult chapter - to always try to find light in the darkness and help others find it too if they are ever in need.
Ryan will have his post treatment PET scan in a couple of months. We ask for prayers and good vibes to give us patience and ease our anxieties as we wait, and ESPECIALLY for the chemo and radiation continue to work their magic in killing all cancerous cells and residual tumors. We are hopeful and optimistic that he will be cured!! In the meantime, we are reflecting on this rollercoaster ride and all that it's taught us, and are looking forward for our lives to transition to a new normal. ❤️
Ieri è stato il turno della chemio numero 9 Ho due notizie da riferire, una stupenda ed una decisamente meno. Dato che solitamente si comincia con il raccontare quella meno bella, ecco a voi un paio di aggiornamenti. Purtroppo nelle ultime settimane sono ricomparsi i sintomi che mi avevano obbligata ad un lungo ricovero l'anno scorso, ovvero i giramenti di testa e gli svenimenti continui a seguito di pressione bassissima, sudorazione fredda e stanchezza da non riuscire a reggermi in piedi. Gli oncologi sono giustamente preoccupati ma, oltre ad un paio di esami di routine, non si può indagare più a fondo finché non finisco la chemioterapia.
Sono spaventata perché l'anno scorso è stato l'anno peggiore della mia vita e non vorrei riviverlo per nulla al mondo. Inoltre è anche ricomparso il mal di testa e, per quanto può sembrare assurdo per chi non ci è passato, preferirei vivere cento giorni con i peggiori sintomi del cancro piuttosto che uno solo con quelli dell'Ipertensione Intracranica. Purtroppo la seconda non mi abbandonerà mai, per quanto i suoi sintomi possano acquietarsi, e tutto ciò che posso fare è resistere e non mollare mai.
Nonostante questo, ieri ho ricevuto una notizia assolutamente meravigliosa per quanto riguarda il linfoma Sono infatti arrivati i risultati della PET e secondo il referto: "non si rileva la presenza di significative aree di anomalo accumolo del tracciante e non risultano più evidenti le aree di ipermetabolismo segnalate". Insomma, le cure stanno funzionando e il tumore sta regredendo, fino a scomparire Ma d'altra parte, cancro, l'avevo detto che ti avrei fatto il culo, no?
#hodgkinslymphoma #linfomadihodgkin #lymphoma #cancer #chemo #abvd
Chemo round 2 has began!
Cannot believe it’s been 3 weeks since I first started chemotherapy it’s flown by! Chemo round 1 was one hell of a bumpy ride, pretty much lived in hospital for my 3 week cycle so here’s to praying chemo round 2 goes a little smoother
This chemo round is so important for me as I have a PET scan after this one to see if the cancers gone. If it has I’ll only need 2 more chemo rounds, if not I will need 4 more. If I have 2 more I’ll finish end of July and still have the rest of summer to enjoy so prayinggg for that #hodgkinslymphoma
Człowiek zdrowy = człowiek szczęśliwy
Ale przecież ja zawsze byłam szczęśliwa! Nawet podczas choroby. No może pomijając chwile załamania, ale to trwało tylko kilka dni
Czuję ulgę.
Zdecydowanie ogarnęła mnie wielka ulga.
I duma.
Rozpiera mnie duma, że to wszystko przetrwałam.
Wytrwałam z pozytywnym nastawieniem ❤️
Bądźmy szczęśliwi.
Wolni od zmartwień.
Cieszmy się życiem.
#cancerfree #hodgkinslymphoma #lymphomasurvivor #cancersurvivor #wyluzuj #zyciejestpiekne #wolna #szczesliwa #pokonalamgnoja #takpoprostu #summerday #wakacje #lato #girlinhat #summerootd #hat #kapelusz #lightroom #preset #sunnymood #summervibes #flowerdress #girls4girls #silajestkobieta #eranowychkobiet
finally starting to get back what cancer took from me. losing all of my hair 10 months ago was one of the hardest things especially at this age and being in college. i sort of identified with my long blonde hair. i felt very incomplete without it. it’s been 11 months since the last time they pumped the cancer killing poison (aka chemo) into my veins. and i still feel best with my wig but it made me learn to find confidence elsewhere. which i should. i fought through an illness meant to kill me. cancer is the weirdest thing and i’m constantly trying to wrap my head around it. i feel the need to share so others can see that this can happen to anybody and that it’s so possible to fight it and come out stronger and better. it has made me love this life so much more. i feel amazing and healthy and can’t believe i’m going on 1 year cancer free. (this post was inspired by @alexsadietrich & @lindseyrkendrick) •
i would rather not be making this post but i’m forcing myself out of my ~comfort zone~
June 24, 2019- Day 0. #StemCell Transplant Day. My “re-birthday”. My second chance at life. Been waiting and praying for this day for months. Let’s hope my body fights this fucking cancer off for good and doesn’t come back. Need my little cells to work their magic. Let this shit storm begin (literally and figuratively) #FuckCancer
And just like that YOUR GIRL IS DONE WITH CHEMO!!! I want to thank my AMAZING family and friends and everyone who ever reached out with a kind word or prayers It means more to me than you will ever know❤️ These last 6 months have been the hardest fight of my life, both physically and mentally, but I got through it thanks to the best support system in the entire world I’ve still got a long road of recovery ahead but I’m lucky to have such wonderful people behind me cheering me on #hodgkinslymphoma #lymphoma #fuckcancer