homeassistant homeautomation smarthome raspberrypi arduino automating cleaners cleaning dishwasher diysmarthome electronics esphome hassio laundry smartplug tasmota xiaomi shelly
My cat feeder if finished! What started as just a #WiFi-based feeder turned into months of figuring out why the servo doesn't work. .
So I added some things:
** Temperature and Humidity Sensor
** Motion Sensor when the cats are eating
** Ultrasonic Sensor to tell when the food is low.
There is a servo motor that is epoxied to a D Pin that slides in the propeller to make it rotate. Fully integrated into #HomeAssistant thanks to #ESPHome and #NodeRed.
OH! I created the sound of the food hitting the bowl, and made it play on all of my #GoogleHome devices when the food is dispensed, so the cats know it's time to eat where ever they are!
#DIY #SmartHome #PetFeeder #CatFeeder #IoT #InternetofThings #NodeMCU #ESP8266 #Servo #ultrasonicsensor #dht11 #hcsr04 #breadboard #electronics #diyideas #geekingout #geek #nerd #fritzing #github #homeautomation #diyhomeprojects #smarthometechnology #diysmarthome
It works!, Version 2.0 is a success :-), a simple #d1mini with some #custom #code, first it connects to #wifi and the it lissens for a specific #mqtt topic, when the button is pressed #homeassistant publish set topic and #catfood is dilivered - next will be to make different portion size based on number of pressed times or something else #diy #electrics #arduino #funtimes #reusepringlescan #pringles #smarthome #automations
Upgrading the old swampy (evaporative) aircon controls, all to avoid getting out of bed in the night to turn it off when the misso gets too cold! If I wasn't building a full smart home I'd just go something like the @cabac_au wireless 20A switch! It's so much easier to setup and I can turn it off without leaving my bed
@husonhometech Home renovations continue which means I HAVE to integrate more stuff. Touch panel installed in the newly renovated bedroom. Powered using a #RaspberryPi 3B+, and an official 7 inch Raspberry Pi touch screen. Auto boots to full screen Chromium to my @homeassistant instance.
#hassio #homeassistant #automatedhome