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August's krea dagbog - i august vil jeg strikke, sy og lave akvarelfarve...
August's crafting diary - In August I will knit, sew and make watercolours...
#august #kreadagbog #craftingdiary #krea #crafting #bøger #hjemmelavedebøger #homemadebooks #dagbog
#japanskbinding #diary
#japaneseookbinding #japanesebinding #kirstenk #bjørnemor #bjoernemor #bjørnemorblogspotcom
I am the luckiest woman alive! I received my homemade limited-edition books (Dogs and Mara-Gramas!) from author, bookmaker and illustrator @maramahia - from Berlin! I LOVE them! Junie was being goofy posing - now that she is famous, she does that thing that my nieces did where she sticks her tongue out during important photos ❤️ Thank you again @maramahia! Time to brush up on my Spanish! #maramahia #maragramas #berlinartist #lovemyfriends #friendsarefamily #homemadebooks
A almost filled journal
Smashbook/artjournal/junkjournal/kreabook - Some lovelies have many names
#bulletjournal #journal #artjournal #kreabog #smashbook #homemadejournals #journallove #showmeyourplanner #bulletjournallove #scrapbook #homemadescrapbook #michapenandpaper #paperlove #junkjournal #papercraft #homemadebook #homemadebooks #visualjournal
#junkjournal #craftgirl #papergirls #collagejournal #artjournalling #artjournaler #artjournalpages #papercraft #creativejournaling #journaling #junkjournaljunkies
My big girl has been feverishly writing and illustrating her own story books recently! This is her first in a whole series she plans about Tom and Lilly, the bunnies who love sport, and their woodland animal friends. Hope it continues and we can maybe print and bind them into a little story compendium!
#theimaginationtree #storytelling #storywriting #books #kidswriting #literacy #elementaryteacher #elementaryschool #primaryschool #primaryteacher #ks2 #ks1 #homemadebooks
{Throw back Thursday!}
Sharing a photo from my very first month of blogging...Jan 2014. Homemade books!
This little colour book is made with paint sample cards you get from the hardware shop; write the colours on, laminate, bind using key ring circles, and even add coloured stickers to each page. So easy! Photo books or mini photo albums and texture books are also fun and easy to make for babies and toddlers.
#babyplay #toddlerplay #books #homemadebooks #mummyblogger #mumblog #ece #earlylearning #teachertypes
Homemade Books Here's another example of a homemade book with love. This sweet book was given to a lucky Papa as a birthday gift! With Christmas coming up what a special present this could be!
Thankyou to my old friend MJ for sharing these beautiful photos with me. MJ did alot of the work this time, because her little reader is pretty young. BUT if you have older readers, they could TOTALLY make something like this themselves.
Get them to "publish" their work by typing it on the computer and printing it out. They can take photos like this beauty, or they can illustrate their own by drawing or painting.
They could use old scrap books, binder books or just loose paper and staple the sheets together!
The creative possibilities are endless! All you need to do is provide your child the opportunity. So let's see what they can do!! Who's going to give this a try
Mi mamá me ha dicho que recoja mis materiales y lo estoy haciendo... ji ji ji
#yolopuedotodo #SíndromedeDown #SDD #Down #Capacidades #CapacidadesDiferentes #DownSyndrome #DownSyndromeLove #DownSyndromeAwareness #trisomia21 #DiversidadFuncional #todossomosiguales #España #love #follow #follow4follow #like #girl #trabajoduro #happy #smile #baby #bits #learning #homemadebooks #words #books #reading
New Homemade journals - Will be used for artjournaling, smashbook, journaling and craft books.
My youngest have already begun to make art in his with the pinguins ❤️
#bulletjournal #journal #artjournal #kreabog #smashbook #homemadejournals #craft #journallove #showmeyourplanner #bulletjournallove #journallove #scrapbook #homemadescrapbook #michapenandpaper #paperlove #junkjournal #papercraft #homemadebook #homemadebooks