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Hashtags that includes hashtag #HOMEMADEORGANICWHOLEFOOD
#homemadeorganicwholefood #homemadeorganicwholegrainbread


一個高蛋白餐,適合增肌。 材料:蝦仁、水煮蛋、松子、蔬菜、糙米飯 A high protein meal. Good for building muscle. Ingredients: shrimps, boiled egg, pine nuts, veggie, brown rice #健康午餐 #健康晚餐 #飲食日記 #高蛋白 #全營養 #增肌 #全食物 #健康飲食 #自家製有機全食物 #養生 #健康生活 #HealthyLunch #HealthyDinner #FoodDiary #HighProtein #WholeNutrtient #MuscleUp #WholeFood #EatClean #HomeMadeOrganicWholeFood #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK


西蘭花濃湯 很多朋友以為我只是打蔬果smoothie,其實我都喜歡做濃湯,只要把需要煮熟的食材蒸熟,然後把所有食材和水放進高速攪拌機攪勻,再放鹽和黑胡椒粉調味即可。西蘭花濃湯要口感好,最好保留部分西蘭花(不是花梗部分),打完濃湯之後,才把這些西蘭花放進濃湯,用慢速打十秒左右,濃湯就會有西蘭花碎,增加口感。 材料:西蘭花、洋蔥、生腰果和蒜頭。 Broccoli Soup Many friends always think that I only make fruit and veggie smoothies. I also like making soups. Just steam the ingredients that cannot be taken raw. Then put all ingredients and water into the high speed blender for blending. Finally add salt and black pepper to taste. To make broccoli soup better texture, keep some broccoli aside (not stalk) and blend them in the soup with low speed for about 10 seconds. Doing this way keep some broccoli pieces in the soup. Ingredients: broccoli, onion, raw cashew nuts and garlic. #西蘭花濃湯 #養生能量湯 #精力湯 #全食物 #健康早餐 #自家製有機全食物 #健康飲食 #養生 #健康生活 #BrocoliSoup #HealthySoup #WholeFood #HealthyBreakfast #HomemadeOrganicWholeFood #EatClean #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK


植化素 有沒有想過為什麼蔬果是帶有不同顏色?原來每一種顏色都代表著一個重要的植物化學物質,稱為植化素,在植物起了重要的作用,有些植化素具有特別的顏色和氣味,吸引昆蟲轉播花粉,有些植化素含有刺激的味道,防止動物或者昆蟲的傷害,有些植化素是植物的免疫系統,防止病毒細菌入侵,有些植化素是抗氧化劑,清理自由基。多項研究顯示這不同的植化素在人體都有不同的功效,包括了抗氧化、調節荷爾蒙、抑制細菌病毒、強化免疫系統和激發體內解毒酵素的活性等,所以,我們應該進食不同顏色的蔬果,把植化素在我們身體發揮最大的功效。 蔬果中的植化素數以千計,可按顏色分成5大類,下面是每種顏色比較有代表性的植化素和蔬果: 1. 紅色:茄紅素,番茄 2. 橘黃色:β-胡蘿蔔素,南瓜 3. 白色:蒜素,蒜頭 4. 紫藍色:花青素,藍莓 5. 綠色:兒茶素,綠茶 Phytochemicals Do you ever think of why vegetables and fruits have different colors? In fact, each color in vegetables and fruits represents a very important botanical chemical substance called phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are very important in plants. Some phytochemicals have special color and scent to attract the insects for pollination. Some phytochemicals have stimulating oder to prevent the animals or insects from damaging the plants. Some phytochemicals are the immune system of the plants that can defense against the virus and bacteria. Some phytochemicals are antioxidants that can remove free radicals. A lot of researches show that different phytochemicals have different functionalities in human body. They include antioxidation, hormone balance, strengthening immune system, virus and bacteria defense, and activating body"s detox enzymes, etc. So, we should eat more different colors of vegetables and fruits so as to maximize the functionalities of phytochemicals in our body. There are more than several hundreds different phytochemicals in vegetables and fruits. They can be classified into 5 catergories based on color. The following shows one typical representative vegetable or fruit, and phytochemical in each color category. 1. Red: lycopene, tomato 2. Orange: β-carotene, pumpkin 3. White: allicin, garlic 4. Purplish blue: anthocyanin, blueberry 5. Green: catechin, green tea #植化素 #營養 #蔬果汁 #全食物 #健康飲食 #自家製有機全食物 #養生 #健康生活 #Phytochemicals #Nutrients #FruitAndVegetableSmoothie #Smoothie #WholeFood #EatClean #HomemadeOrganicWholeFood #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #WinnieLo知識文 #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK


南瓜 - 果囊、核和皮營養高 打健康南瓜濃湯的一個技巧,就是把果囊連核和皮都一併打,因為果囊、核和皮的營養價值都非常高,又不影響濃湯的味道,這是食全食物的一個好處。材料:南瓜、黃豆、洋蔥、生腰果、大麻籽撒在濃湯上面。 Pumpkin - Nutritious Sac, nuts and skin One technique to make healthy pumpkin soup is to also blend the pumpkin sac, nuts and skin. The pumpkin sac, nuts and skin enriches with many nutritions. They do not change the favour of the soup. This is one of the advantages to take whole food. Ingredients: pumpkin, soy beans, onion, raw cashew nuts, hemp seeds sprinkled over. #南瓜濃湯 #養生能量湯 #精力湯 #全食物 #健康早餐 #自家製有機全食物 #健康飲食 #養生 #健康生活 #PumpkinSoup #HealthySoup #WholeFood #HealthyBreakfast #HomemadeOrganicWholeFood #EatClean #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK


生機能量棒 生機素食主張食物不經過精製,不可以用高於115°F烹調,不然食物中的天然酵素會在高溫下被破壞,雖然我不是生機素食者,但有一款生機食物好味又有營養,就是果仁種子乾果能量棒,材料幾乎任意,只需抓自己喜歡的果仁(如腰果、杏仁、核桃等)、種子(如葵花籽、南瓜籽、蕎麥、芝麻等)和乾果(如提子、枸子等),再加楓樹糖漿拌勻,放入風乾機,溫度調至115F風乾24至48小時即可。 Raw Energy Bar Raw vegan diet takes mostly the unrefined and unprocessed plant based foods that are not heated over 115F. Applying heat over 115F destroys some of the natural enzymes in foods. Although I am not a raw vegan, one of the raw foods is really delicious and heathy. It is mixed nuts and seeds energy bar/granola. The ingredients of the energy bar are almost arbitrary. Just grasp any nuts (e.g. cashew nuts, almonds, walnuts, etc.), seeds (e.g. sun flower seeds, pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, sesame, etc.) and dried fruits (e.g. grapes, wolfberries, etc.) you like. Mixed them together with maple syrup and put them into the dehydrator. Adjust the temperature to 115F and dehydrate for 24-48 hours. #果仁種子乾果能量棒 #能量棒 #全食物 #健康零食 #健康飲食 #生機飲食 #自家製有機全食物 #養生 #健康生活 #MixedNutsAndSeedsEnergyBar #EnergyBar #Granola #WholeFood #HealthSnack #RawFoodDiet #EatClean #HomeMadeOrganicWholeFood #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK


我的日常午餐,碳水不一定來自穀物,可以是番薯。 My typical daily lunch. Carbs may not be from the grains. It can be sweat potato. #健康午餐 #健康晚餐 #飲食日記 #全營養 #全食物 #健康飲食 #自家製有機全食物 #養生 #健康生活 #HealthyLunch #HealthyDinner #FoodDairy #WholeNutrient #WholeFood #EatClean #HomemadeOrganicWholeFood #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK


牛油果醬面包 & 水煮蛋 Avocado spread on bread & boiled egg #牛油果醬 #水煮蛋 #健康早餐 #飲食日記 #全食物 #健康飲食 #自家製有機全食物 #養生 #健康生活 #AvocadoSpread #BoiledEgg #HealthyBreakfast #FoodDairy #WholeFood #EatClean #HomeMadeOrganicWholeFood #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK


麥皮奶 身為工程師,喜歡把食譜用方程式來表達,麥皮奶 = 麥皮 + 果仁奶 + 配料。 Oatmeal Bowl As an engineer, I like to express the recipe as an equation , oatmeal bowl = oatmeal + nut milk + toppings. #麥皮奶 #麥皮 #全食物 #健康早餐 #飲食日記 #健康飲食 #自家製有機全食物 #養生 #健康生活 #OatmealBowl #Oatmeal #WholeFood #HealthyBreakfast #FoodDairy #EatClean #HomeMadeOrganicWholeFood #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK


三文魚沙律,550大卡 材料:香草煎三文魚、牛油果、櫻桃番茄、紅蘿蔔、鷹嘴豆。 Salmon Salad, 550 KCal Ingredients: fried salmon with herbs, avocado, cherry tomatoes, carrot, chickpeas. #三文魚沙律 #三文魚 #健康午餐 #健康晚餐 #飲食日記 #全食物 #健康飲食 #自家製有機全食物 #養生 #健康生活 #SalmonSalad #Salmon #HealthyLunch #HealthyDinner #FoodDiary #WholeFood #EatClean #HomemadeOrganicWholeFood #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK

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