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White farmhouse styling.
It's cute, its sweet and it's timeless.
Moving away from the traditional colours of red, green and cream we revive these homes with a lighter colour scheme.
Try Colorbond "Shale Grey" and Dulux "Casper White Quarter" to inspire a look like this at your place.
So... What's your next project?
#inspirationspaintgc #whatsyournextproject #inspirationspaint
#oxenford #nerang #goldcoast #goldcoastdesign #paintspecialist #colourchemists #gcpaintspecialist #traditional #homerevival #houserepaint #houseexterior #cottage #weatherboard #farmhousestyle
It's amazing how white can give us the impression of a room being 'fresh'.
Give white a little more OOMPH with a subtle hint on colour.
Try our current favourites:
Dulux "White Cloak Quarter"
Dulux "Casper White Quarter"
Dulux "White Dune Quarter"
So... What's your next project?
#inspirationspaintgc #whatsyournextproject #inspirationspaint
#oxenford #nerang #goldcoast #goldcoastdesign #paintspecialist #colourchemists #gcpaintspecialist #white #whiteinterior #fresh #housereno #wallrepaint #houserepaint
The garage.⠀
Most commonly left to last in the house repaint and rushed because you just want to start filling it full of 'stuff'. ⠀
Take a little time and have some pride in the space that is guaranteed to be used every day that you live there. ⠀
Give the walls a good lick of paint and add some sparkle to the floor with a flake flooring finish. ⠀
Did you know we sell everything you need to paint a concrete floor?⠀
For more inspiration and know how, come in and see us at Oxenford and Nerang.⠀
So... What's your next project?⠀
#inspirationspaintgc #whatsyournextproject #inspirationspaint⠀
#oxenford #nerang #goldcoast #goldcoastdesign #concretefloor #flakefloor #garage #mancave #houserepaint #renovation #diy #project
A Little condo action. .
#scarlettpainting #painter #spraypainting #markhampainter #gtapainter #richmondhillpainter #vaughnpainter #yorkregionpainter #torontopainter #southsimcoeregion #homereno #sherwinwilliams #benjaminmoore #contractor #titansprayer #gtacontractor #paintlife #housepainter #interiorpainter #houserepaint #professionalpainter #homepainting #paintingcontractor #scarlettpainting #skilledtrades #professional #supportblackbuisnesses
#popcornceiling #stuccoceiling #colourpop #condorenovation
Another project finished by Scarlett painting. Fresh coats of eggshell Crysler hall white. .
#scarlettpainting #painter #spraypainting #markhampainter #gtapainter #richmondhillpainter #vaughnpainter #yorkregionpainter #torontopainter #southsimcoeregion #homereno #sherwinwilliams #benjaminmoore #contractor #titansprayer #gtacontractor #paintlife #housepainter #interiorpainter #houserepaint #professionalpainter #homepainting #paintingcontractor #scarlettpainting #skilledtrades #professional #supportblackbuisnesses
#popcornceiling #factory #whiteinterior #freshcoat
Fresh coat in dinning/living room- Benjamin Moore Eggshell Muslin Fresh coat in Bathroom Benjamin Moore Semigloss Muslin -Both Regal line. .
#scarlettpainting #painter #spraypainting #markhampainter #gtapainter #richmondhillpainter #vaughnpainter #yorkregionpainter #torontopainter #southsimcoeregion #homereno #sherwinwilliams #benjaminmoore #contractor #titansprayer #gtacontractor #paintlife #housepainter #interiorpainter #houserepaint #professionalpainter #homepainting #paintingcontractor #scarlettpainting #skilledtrades #professional #supportblackbuisnesses
#realestate #freshcoat