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Showing off my Mini calcifer freebies for my previous Kickstarter ~ (backers with 3pins or more)❤️ left over will be listed in my Etsy shop late June :) ~~~
Etsy Shop in my BiO ❤️
#pinmakerssupergroup #ghiblipin #ghiblipins #labelpin #kawaiipins #pinlove #pingameproper #pinoftheday #pincommunity #pinsaddict #enamelpin #animepin #pinstagram #pinflair #pingamestrong #pingame #pinboard #pincollection #pincollectorsclub #pinsofinstagram #animepins #fanartpin #howlsmovingcastle #chibiart #studioghibli
Totoro is the best ☺Like and Share this with your friends ! Follow us if you are Totoro fan !
#totoro #japan #ghibli #cosplay #anime #japanstyle #CastleintheSky #MyNeighborTotoro #KikiDeliveryService #SpiritedAway #HowlsMovingCastle #TalesfromEarthsea #Ponyo #TheWindRises #WhenMarnieWasThere #HayaoMiyazaki #Miyazaki #Hayao #JoeHisaishi #Hisaishi #studioghibli #childhoodmemories #bestmemories #bestanime #bestmovie #japanmovie
So I thought that I’d start sharing some of my other collections~ like my Ghibli collection! What ones have you seen? What ones are your favourites? Or ones you want to see? -Anna #anime #studioghibli #howlsmovingcastle #onlyyesterday #fromuponpoppyhill #whenmarniewasthere #thetaleofprincesskaguya #ponyo #thewindrises #thesecretworldofarrietty #princessmononoke #talesfromearthsea #thecatreturns #myneighbortotoro #spiritedaway #kikisdeliveryservice #castleinthesky #whisperoftheheart #nausicaaofthevalleyofthewind
Merry Go Round of Life from Howl's Moving Castle (written by Joe Hisaishi). This incredible anime theme is such a gorgeous melody and a joy to play on my ❤️
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