List of the most popular hashtags for theme #HRADAZAMEKBECOV

Publications: 150
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#hradazamekbecov #becovnadteplou #hrad #castle #czechrepublic #zamek #becov #zapadnicechy #tipnavylet #chateau #kamnavylet #culturalheritage #preszimunespime #nofilter #snow #architecture #baroque #snih #beaufortspontin #hradazamek #relikviarsvatehomaura #tipfortrip #trip #burg #czech #czechcastle #czechcountryside #karlovarsko #myslimenadeti

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#zámecká knihovna#když probíhají inventury#hradazamekbecov #librery#chateaubecov#invetorygoingon#

Hashtags for theme #HRADAZAMEKBECOV

#nockostelů #Bečov#programnoci# #hradazamekbecov#24. 5.#thenightofchurches#programinbecov#

Hashtags for theme #HRADAZAMEKBECOV

Haptický model relikviáře sv. Maura v měřítku 1:1, vyrobený dílnou ve věznici v Horní Slavkově, se účastní mezinárodní soutěže vězeňského umění v polském Sztumu! #drzmepalce #mezinarodni #soutez #vyhlasenivysledkuvcervnu #relikviarsvatehomaura #relikviar #haptickymodel #veznicevhornimslavkove #hradazamekbecov #polsko #reliquary #edukace #competition #poland #education

Hashtags for theme #HRADAZAMEKBECOV

Už jste viděli "novou" historickou vitrínu pro diadém Eleonory Beaufort-Spontin? Navštivte okruh zámeckých interiérů! Otevírací doba v dubnu na #novinky #zezamku #hradazamekbecov #diadem #eleonora #beaufortspontin #hrad #zamek #becov #korunka #tipnavylet #kamnavylet #zapadnicechy #crown #showcase #castle #chateau #becovnadteplou #czechrepublic

Hashtags for theme #HRADAZAMEKBECOV

Zámek se probudil ze zimního spánku a v sobotu 30.3. otevíráme! Přijďte si prohlédnout třeba část navrácené zrestaurované sedací soupravy.. #swipeleft #oteviramebrany #hradazamekbecov #jakprobihalypripravy #zidlekreslopredapo #hrad #zamek #becov #jaro #sezona #tipnavylet #kamnavylet #castle #chateau #becovnadteplou #zapadnicechy #czechrepublic

Hashtags for theme #HRADAZAMEKBECOV

Bečov nad Teplou (2015). A commissioned piece, made for a lady who worked as a tour guide on the castle and wanted to have a picture of it at home too. ⠀ I think it is the most detailed oil pastel picture that I ever made. In my recent post I wrote about the pros and cons of oil paints. Oil pastels are for me something like a compromise solution: They are much easier to work with than the paints but they can achieve almost as vibrant and rich colours. But they also have disdvantages: It is difficult to draw large flat areas (the texture of the drawing is always visible) but also little details (the drawing sticks are rather thick and if sharpened, quickly gone).⠀ That's why I use oil pastels mostly for natural landscapes full of trees as some of my watcher very well know. And in this case, I had to use a large paper (A2 size, that's 16.5 x 23.4 in) so that I could draw all the little windows and other details. But the trees are there as well.☺⠀ What do you think about it? I'll appreciate your comments! ⠀ .⠀ Bečov nad Teplou is an interesting little town in the west of the Czech Republic. It is located in the middle of a landscape park in a green valley of river Teplá, not far from #KarlovyVary (#Carlsbad), and it has a charming historical centre with a picturesque square, beautiful Barque church, recently renewed botanical garden and most important of all, a magnificent castle. It is an extensive complex of buildings, remarkable for consisting of a medieval castle, Renaissance palace and Baroque château (all visible in the picture) together with several other lesser parts and surrounding gardens, terraces and fortifications. It is certainly worth a visit (apart from the architecture itself, it is also home to the Reliquary of St. Maurus, a priceless Romanesque artefact).⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #becov #becovnadteplou #hradazamekbecov #landscapedrawing #kresba #baroque #architecture #culturalheritage #umeni #zapadnicechy #arthelps #umenie #drawingisfun #medievalarchitecture #traditionalmedia #artsoninstagram #pastelpencils #landscapeartist #drawing✏ #architecturedrawing #traditionalartwork #oilpastels #oilpastel #pastelartwork #pastellandscape #matejcadil

Hashtags for theme #HRADAZAMEKBECOV

Zahájení návštěvnické sezony se blíží, ale zima to na Bečově ještě nevzdává.. ❄️ #mycekalijaro #azatimpriselmraz #sezonazadvermi #oteviramenakoncibrezna #hradazamekbecov #hrad #zamek #becov #zapadnicechy #castle #chateau #gothic #baroque #architecture #becovnadteplou #czechrepublic

Hashtags for theme #HRADAZAMEKBECOV

Copak se u nás děje přes zimu ? Třeba dnes probíhalo focení vybraných kousků mobiliáře.. #preszimunespime #hradazamekbecov #hrad #zamek #becov #foceni #mobiliar #obraz #painting #photography #becovnadteplou #zapadnicechy #czechrepublic

Hashtags for theme #HRADAZAMEKBECOV

Hrad, zámek a městečko pod sněhovou peřinou.. ❄️☃️ #zimanahraduazamku #hradazamekbecov #podsnehem #hrad #zamek #becov #becovnadteplou #zima #snih #zapadnicechy #castle #snow #winter #nofilter #nofilterneeded #czechrepublic

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