humanrightswatch palestine humanrights freepalestine educationrights westbank humanrightscampaign 99namesofallah ahedtamimi allah allahisgreat allahu allahuakbar arab gazastrip gazaunderattack jerusalem jerusalemcapitalofpalestine jerusalemisthecapitalofpalestine jerusalempalestine mosalah muslim nabisaleh nakba palistine refugeecamp salah yaserarafat adestructionfilm bebettereveryday a100
Please protect Park Yuchun in South Korea from a false charge! He says he is innocent.
请通过虚假指控拯救韩国的Park Yuchun。 他说他是无辜的! 许多韩国媒体都散布虚假新闻,使他成为罪犯
한국에서 박유천을 거짓 혐의로 저축 해주십시오. 그는 결백하다고 말한다. 많은 한국 언론이 그를 범죄자로 만들기 위해 거짓 뉴스를 전하고 있습니다.
#HumanRightsWatch #FalseCharge #Yoochun #Yuchun #ユチョン #박유천 #ProtectYUchun #AlwaysbesideofYU #FalseAccusation #冤罪 #원죄
The ship Island Glory arrived from Middle East with immigrants from Kurdistan, Palestine, Afghanistan and Bangladesh is stranded in Montepaone Lido, Southern Italy, after some weeks drift in the Mediterranean Sea. A child looks at the Island Glory after the disembark of immigrants. #endpoverty #europeaid #unitednations
#UN #unicef #unitednationshumanrights #UNHCR #unfoundation #HumanRights #ungeneva #worldbank #unmigration #IOM #humanrelieffoundation #refugees
#everydayrefugees #refugeeradionetwo #oxfaminternational #humanrightswatch #AyniCoop #FoodForChange #EU #Humanitarian #eu_echo #europeancommission #amnesty
#usaid #photojournalism #editorialphotography #canoneos ©️Antonino Condorelli 2019
Someone explain this to me like a five year old. Because it makes no sense at all. . .
With all the inequality and chaos already going on in this country, ignorant people in Congress are again deciding what women should do with their bodies. Knowing it’s inhumane and unethical. I thought we were in 2019 and not the 1920s. . .
Apparently women can even face prison time for miscarriages now. What happened to progress? Why are these people so dumb and evil? .
#abortionrights #abortion #womensrights #socialactivist #politicssuck #americanpolitics #feministmovement #timeisup #plannedparenthood #healthcarecrisis #fuckthegovernment #standagainstrape #corruptgovernment #justiceforwomen #humanrights #womenempowerment #standforsomething #humanrightswatch #justiceforwomen
Would you travel somewhere knowing the government had severe human rights violations? Unfortunately, I didn’t do my research enough before visiting Uzbekistan because all I saw were beautiful pictures on IG without one mention of the fact that Uzbekistan still sponsors slave labor.
The government enforces “national duty” on its citizens by mobilizing adults in the public sector (nurses, teachers, doctors, etc.) and taking children out of school to pick in cotton fields under extreme conditions. They must leave school and their jobs for months at a time, earn little to no money, live in dirty shelters, and are punished if they don’t meet daily quotas.
Uzbekistan is the 5th largest exporter of cotton in the world. Most of it is sold to China, but also to Turkey, Bangladesh, and the EU. While we didn’t purchase any clothing in Uzbekistan and only patronized locally-owned hotels and restaurants, it’s hard to know if the clothes we end up buying in America come from slave cotton. This is why it’s so important to stay away from fast fashion, and to do your research!
Uzbekistan is relatively unknown to Western media and thus these issues aren’t discussed enough. If I had known this I would have thought twice before traveling to the country. While I’m glad my money did go towards local businesses, I can’t help but think about the money we had to pay to get the visa and to buy general admission tickets to some city attractions. I only hope I can spread the message now to anyone considering Uzbekistan as a destination. It’s impossible to avoid every single country that’s violating human rights, but it is within your power to be aware of these issues, support locals, and spread the message.
Yesterday’s abortion ban in Alabama is a clear attack on women’s healthcare, civil rights and human rights. Women’s bodies should not be controlled by the courts. Fact. We are awake. This will not stand. ❤️.
I don’t enjoy posting non-positive things on IG (I prefer to keep things positive and empowering) yet if I were not to post about this today I would be being inauthentic about an issue that is critical and unconstitutional .
Even those of us who don’t enjoy conflict must speak up (prepared for any potential nastiness we may ignite). We have an obligation to speak up and stand up for these rights. We can not sit and passively watch and quietly whisper on the sidelines. This affects all of us ❤️.
#womensrightsarehumanrights #weareawakening #reproductiverights #reproductivehealth #humanrightsactivist #speakup #standupforlove #unconstitutional #barbarakruger #roevwade #humanrightswatch #injustice #alabamaabortionban #thisisnotokay #womenrights #bethechange #civilrightsmovement #leadership
, ! !
n , n . , , , ! !
!!!!@ayvsierraleone @sierraleoneanskillingit_ @sierraleonetothetop @young_salone @panafricanthought @ukcpanafricansociety @wan_pot_show #sierraleone #ghana #nigeria #liberia #guinea #senegal #mali #zimbabwe #southafrica #kenya #gambia #botswana #togo #congo #africaunited #unitedafrica #newafricanation #modernslavery #brutality #babaric #humanrights #humanrightswatch #sad #torture #saloneborbor #salonetiti #africans #masstecmedia
While Spain has Federico García Lorca in a common pit, and Franco in a mausoleum, the entire country will remain a monument to ignorance
S.O.S Europe *
@unitednations @unitednationshumanrights @amnesty @humanrights_action @humanrightswatch -
#catalunyalliure #freedomcatalonia #elmeupais_petit #freedomcatalunya #catalunyaexperience #ok_catalunya #risistance_catalonia #llibertatpresospolitics #ig_catalonia #llibertatvaltonyc #llibertatjordis #total_catalunya #llibertatpresospolíticscatalans #catalunyalliure #catalonia #igerscatalonia #catalunya #globalgoals #humanrights #humanrightswatch #socialactivism #brussels #onu #conflict #politicalprisoners #notdemocracy #parlamenteuropeu #helpcatalonia #freepoliticalprisoners #farsadejudici #joacuso
Fake trial
S.O.S Europe *
@unitednations @unitednationshumanrights @amnesty @humanrights_action @humanrightswatch -
#catalunyalliure #freedomcatalonia #elmeupais_petit #freedomcatalunya #faketrial #ok_catalunya #risistance_catalonia #llibertatpresospolitics #ig_catalonia #llibertatvaltonyc #llibertatjordis #total_catalunya #llibertatpresospolíticscatalans #catalunyalliure #catalonia #igerscatalonia #catalunya #globalgoals #humanrights #humanrightswatch #socialactivism #brussels #onu #conflict #politicalprisoners #notdemocracy #parlamenteuropeu #helpcatalonia #freepoliticalprisoners #farsadejudici #joacuso