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Did you know...
Your Little Feet Hypnobirthing Birth Preparation Course doesn't end when your course ends?! Of course, it ends, you finish your sessions so to speak BUT!
I'm still here!
At the end of the phone ☎️
By email ️
Or if you want to meet up for a chat ☕ Or for an extra session if things change along the way.
I offer support for the rest of your pregnancy
As well as after the baby arrives and, if you want it, breastfeeding support. If you want me, I'm here!
No additional charges added.
For more information please info@littlefeethypnobirthing.co.uk
Jen x
#baby #birth #bump #birthpreparation #pregnancysupport #hypnobirthing #calminthebirthroom #breastfeeding
#pregnant #birthplan
#pregnancytest #aughton #ormskirk #lancashirelife #ormskirkmaternity
#bumptobabyandbeyond #happymumhappybaby #familiesandbabies #moretohypnobirthingthanjustbreathing #oxytocin #hypnobirthinglancashire #hypnobirthingormskirk #hypnobirthingclass #birthwithoutfear #havingababy
Little Feet Hypnobirthing: Complete Birth Preparation courses for you and your partner. Facilitated in a relaxed and calm environment in Aughton, Ormskirk. Answering the questions books just won't. Covering from bump to baby. With breastfeeding education and support provided. Tailored to meet your unique requirements. ⌚ With additional time for support and at a time to suit you. A kind ear to hear what your thoughts are as you prepare for your birth. ️ A safe space to be to talk and be listened to and offer Traumatic Birth Recovery help before preparing for your next birth. 07379988653
#hypnobirthingormskirk #hypnobirthing
#birthwithoutfear #birthsupport #breastfeeding #breastfeedingsupport
#birth #bumptobaby #bumptobabyandbeyond #mumdadandbaby #loveatfirstkick #liverpool #merseyside #westlancashire #lancashirelife #hypnobirthinglancashire
There's a really good reason I absolutely love Clemmie of @mother_of_daughters, she's a proper advocate for getting the birth you want, and full of hints and tips for how to achieve it. This video really made my day.
I talk so much about making your birth room your own, just because there's a bed in it, doesn't mean you have to get on it, and using the the items in it to your benefit... This video shows you exactly how, regardless of whether you're in a Midwife Led Room or Obstetric Led Room!
Thanks Clemmie!
#repost #motherofdaughters (@get_repost)
ACTIVE BIRTH - Get off the bed
I was teaching my midwifery student today about looking at the delivery room and how as midwives we can utilise the space and make it feel less clinical. With the majority of births taking place in hospital on an obstetric unit, the biggest feature as you walk into any room is the bed. But it doesn’t have to be set up like that. Women will automatically sit or lie on the bed and once that mentality of being the ‘patient’ in hospital sets in, it’s hard to try and change that behaviour. But as midwives we can make small changes to create a birth environment that encourages women to move, squat, stand, rock, sway and kneel. And birth partners, doulas and student midwives, move the bed, ask for a mat, a birthing ball, a chair, dim the lights, move unnecessary equipment, put some music on. These small changes can make huge differences. UFO - upright, forward and open #activebirth #getoffthebed #laboureard #midwives #studentmidwives
#birthroom #birtheducation #birtheducationormskirk #hypnobirthingormskirk #bumptobaby #positiveaboutbirth #positivebirth #birthwithoutfear
5 reasons why: Experience and Knowledge: My 12 years clinical hands on as a midwife, supporting women and their families through pregnancy, birth, feeding and beyond is immeasurable. I’m a resource that you’ll be grateful to have Not just about the Breathing and Relaxation: Hypnobirthing is assumed to be just that. And actually I provide so much more information about the possibilities of labour, birth and the time after birth for you AND your partner! Time: I provide you with not just the initial 4 sessions, I give you 2 extra sessions before baby comes, plus I’m available on the phone and email to answer questions you may have AND postnatal visits and feeding support. ⛔I don’t dictate: It is my job to provide non-biased up to date information so you can make an informed decision in a safe space if that’s what’s right for you. This is your baby, your body. Empower: It is my goal that regardless of the birth you have, you feel empowered. That you feel that you gained knowledge and understanding during your time with me and achieve the right birth for you and your baby.
I only offer 1-2-1 courses so I can provide this high standard of service.
Contact me to book your Birth Preparation and Hypnobirthing course.
You won't regret it!
#birthpreparationandhypnobirthing #bumptobabyandbeyond #pregnantin2019 #prepareforbirthandbeyond #familymentalhealth #bespokebirthpreparation #moretohypnobirthingthanjustbreathing #supportindependantbusinesses
#empowered #birthwithoutfear #bumptobaby #babylove #hypnobirthinglancashire #birthpreparationlancashire #hypnobirthingmerseyside #birthpreparationmerseyside #ormskirk #southport #aughton #maghull #burscough #lydiate
Yep it's October!
The start of Autumn as we know it, big jumpers, hot chocolate, roaring fires and all things snuggly.☕ Time to welcome in the turning leaves as we welcome in the changing seasons. How fast this year has gone by and how quickly 2019 is approaching (not going to lie, I have started the Christmas shopping!) Soon be half term for my two so I have very little availability over this month, but if you are thinking of booking, getting in touch the sooner the better is a good idea!
I'm off to start knitting a new pair of socks , nothing I dislike as much as cold toes during the school run!
#hypnobirthingisntjustbreathing #birthprepormskirk #springbaby
#hypnobirthingormskirk #comingin2019 #bumptobaby #positivebirthstories #positiveaboutbirth #birthwithoutfear #littlefeethypnobirthing #birthpreparation #positivebirth #birthchoices
#oxytocin #babylove #newborn #autumnbaby #pregnancy #pregnancyannouncement #informedchoice #birthaftertrauma #ormskirkantenatal #southportpregnancyrelaxation #ormskirkmaternity #liverpoolwomens #havingababy #kghypnobirthingteacher #loveislove #family #happybabyhappymum
Never a truer word spoken.
We all do it.
Compare ourselves to others.
Our bodies, our lives, our hair, our children, our babies, our pregnancy, our labour, our feeding journey, our business, our marriage, our relationships.
We don't necessarily mean to, but we do.
I'm guilty of it and try hard not to, seeing myself and my own little service as unique because I am unique and the service I offer will be completely different to that other Hypnobirthing teachers offer. Regardless if we all recieving the same training or not.
I do my best to encourage the couple's who come to me not to compare their pregnancy and labour and even their newborn to their friends, family and those they meet along their parenting journey because you are unique, as is your baby.
Embracing the uniqueness is important.
Finding your Joy.
And if you do compare yourself to Joanne Bloggs next door but three, not feeling guilty for it. We all do it. Just don't get hung up on it.
#embracetheunique #lifewouldbedullifwewereallthesame #findingthejoy #bespokehypnobirthing
#theresmoretohypnobirthingthanbreathing #birthpreparationwithadifference #hypnobirthingormskirk
Apologies for the radio silence!
I was away last week on an amazing family holiday in Greece, watching the waves on the beaches and thinking of waves and surges... We were blessed with beautiful weather ☀️, gorgeous beaches ️and lots of quality family time . Something I've been craving recently as we've been so busy since the children went back to school in September.
I'm back feeling refreshed and raring to go (well, I am after a good night's sleep in my own bed the fridge is restocked and I've done two loads of washing!) With a very large cuppa ☕ in my hand!
All messages will be replied today and tomorrow, if you need me pop me an and I'll get back to you!
Oh and a bit of news!
Before half term I set up an online booking system to make booking your course smoother. So if you're thinking of booking a course with me in 2019 my availability is open on there!
#onlinebooking #hypnobirthingteacher #wavesandsurges #hypnobirthingmerseyside #hypnobirthingormskirk #birthpreparationormsirk #hypnobirthing2019 #bumptobaby #happybabyhappymum #happymumhappybaby #selfcare #familytime
#Repost @blissful.herbs (@get_repost)
My Grandmother told me, "Two thirds of pain is fear". This helped me so much as I approached birth. I learned about the fear-tension-pain cycle and how to go for the "trust-relaxation-manageable sensations" cycle instead. .
@serinacrinisbirth ・・・
“Your “pain threshold” doesn’t determine if you will birth without drugs. Your “brain threshold” - how you manage and respond to how labour challenges your mind and spirit does.” .
Had to share this awesome quote I just found via @adelaidehypnobirthing so true! I always get told by people I must have a high pain tolerance because I birthed without drugs but that is not the case at all. Belief in myself, belief in the natural process of birth, and support from my birth team is what got me through ♥️
#birthphotography #birthphotographer #byronbaybirthphotographer #tribedemama #birthbecomesher #positivebirth #motherhoodunplugged #rawmotherhood #birthwithoutfear #motherhoodrising #naturalbirth #homebirth
Sharing all of the above with bells on!
I say this is so much more when I talk about how Hypnobirthing works, not as a form of pain relief, but as complimentary alongside it for many or without for others.
Your mind works in a truly amazing way during childbirth, don't underestimate your own availabilities!
#hypnobirthingormskirk #birthprepormskirk #autumnbaby #christmasbaby #bumptobaby #positivebirthstories #positiveaboutbirth #birthwithoutfear
How my diary current looks: October is full I'm sorry but I simply cannot fit anyone else in this month!
November is getting to be tricky so it's now first deposit and dates confirmed and then it will be a case of I'm sorry I cannot accommodate as much as I would love to.
December I have very very few dates available due to family commitments.
I cannot emphasize enough the "Booking early and paying your deposit = securing your place" enough.
I really don't like letting people down at such a special time in your lives.
January onwards I have availability and some exciting news coming so please watch my feed. Many thanks.
#hypnobirthingmerseyside #hypnobirthingormskirk #expectingin2019 #bumptobaby #growingafamilyin2019 #happybabyhappymum #happymumhappybaby #hypnobirthinglancashire #birthpreparationmerseyside #birthpreparationlancashire #birthpreparationormsirk #ormsirkmaternity #lancashirelife