icannotsleepicannotdreamtonight imissyou whereareyou blink182 andimsosorry missyou boanoite music dontwasteyourtimeonme ineedsomebodyandalways likeindecisiontocallyou love theangelfrommynightmare whereareyouandimsosorry andhearyourvoiceoftreason boys hellothere lyrics quote ride thissickstrangedarkness tomdelonge andasistaredicounted andasistaredicountedwebsfromallthespiderscatchingthingsandeatingtheirinsides band blackandwhite blink cantsleep catchingthingsandeatingtheirinsides thissickstrangedarkness
Don’t lose yourself in this world and fade away to become a ghost. Hold on tight to who you are inside. The outside will change, through time, but never lose sight of who you are. And if you want to have Halloween on Christmas, do it with your Jack or Sally. Find the missing piece to your puzzle.
@travisbarker @markhoppus @tomdelonge @blink182 #MissYou
#Hellothere #Theangelfrommynightmare #Theshadowinthebackgroundofthemorgue #Theunsuspectingvictim #Ofdarknessinthevalley #WecanlivelikeJackandSallyifwewant #Whereyoucanalwaysfindme #AndwellhaveHalloweenonChristmas #Andinthenightwellwishthisneverends #Wellwishthisneverends #ImissyouImissyou #ImissyouImissyou #Whereareyou #AndImsosorry #IcannotsleepIcannotdreamtonight #Ineedsomebodyandalways #Thissickstrangedarkness #Comescreepingonsohauntingeverytime #AndasIstaredIcounted #TheWebsfromallthespiders #Catchingthingsandeatingtheirinsides #Likeindecisiontocallyou #Andhearyourvoiceoftreason #Willyoucomehomeandstopthepaintonight #Stopthispaintonight #Dontwasteyourtimeonme #YourealreadythevoiceinsidemyheadImissyouImissyou
Sometimes it's easier to be frustrated than to miss someone. ❤️ #TheUnsuspectingVictimOfDarknessInTheValley #WhereAreYou #AndImSoSorry #ICannotSleepICannotDreamTonight #ThisSickStrangeDarknessComesCreepingOnSoHauntingEveryTime #WillYouComeHomeAndStopThisPainTonight #2003BlinkAFInTheRadTonkinHouseTonight
Excuse my crappy piano playing from a few years ago. This is Loki, my Nanday Conure. He was like a brother to me and we bonded really quickly. Unfortunately, he escaped my grandpa's house two years ago, in search of me. (He always looked for me when he was let loose in the house, so I know that he wouldn't fly away to leave me. He hated getting left alone. He would always fly back to me whenever I put him back to his cage area.) And you might be wondering why he was at my grandpa's house. Well, he lives in Taiwan, and we only went back two months a year. Whenever we weren't there, my grandparents would take care of him. Anyway, I stumbled upon some old footage of him and it brought back so many memories. #NandayConure #MissYou #WhereAreYou #AndImSoSorry #ICannotSleepICannotDreamTonight #WhyAmIQuotingBlink182Now
Hello There
#theangelfrommynightmare #theshadowinthebackgroundofthemorgue #theunsuspectingvictim #ofdarknessinthevalley #wecanlivelikejakeandsallyifyouwant #whereyoucanalwaysfindme #wellhavehalloweenonchristmas #andinthenightwellwishthisneverendswellwishthisneverends #imissyou #wereareyou #andimsosorry #icannotsleepicannotdreamtonight #ineedsomebodyandalways #thissickstrangedarkness #comescreepingin #sohauntingeverytime #andasistaredicounted #websfromallthespiders #catchingthingsandeatingtheirinsides #likeindecisiontocallyou #andheartourvoiceoftreason #pleasecomehome#andstopthispaintonightstopthispaintonight #yourealreadythevoiceinsidemyhead #imissyou #blink182 #punkgirl