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Skater @k.olesya.07 Follow @ice_skating_turkey for more videos. #harness #figureskater #edeaskates #patinajeartistico #editsskatingft #icephotography #iceskates #iceskaters #iceskater #patinaje #figureskatingthings #iceskate #iceskating #figureskatingvideos #buzpateni #icedance #buzshow #russiaskate #buzdancecompanyh #gymnastics #iceshow
9 or 10 years old 3 L + 3T @ice_skating_turkey for more videos ... #figureskater #edeaskates #patinajeartistico #editsskatingft #icephotography #iceskates #iceskaters #iceskater #patinaje #figureskatingthings #iceskate #iceskating #figureskatingvideos #buzpateni #icedance #buzshow #russiaskate #buzdancecompanyh #gymnastics #iceshow #buzshow
I don’t know if this is just me but whenever I do charlottes ice will almost always spray into my eyes and temporarily blind me (not literally blind me but you get the point)... one time I actually wore sunglasses ahahha!! which spiral do you guys like more: 1 (backwards knee spiral) or 2 (charlotte)? Personally I prefer the backwards knee spiral because I think it looks a bit more elegant in general + it’s easier. However, people that can do really good charlottes always amaze me
Because it’s April Fool’s Day and I haven’t been posting a lot it only seems fitting to do this. Hope you’re satisfied.
(If you don’t see an iconic fail ex. Kaetlyn Osmond Worlds fall - it’s because I’ve already used it in a previous video and I don’t reuse fails OK!)
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Off ice #ekaterinastarostina @ice_skating_turkey for more videos #izmir #figureskater #edeaskates #patinajeartistico #editsskatingft #icephotography #iceskates #iceskaters #iceskater #patinaje #figureskatingthings #iceskate #iceskating #figureskatingvideos #buzpateni #icedance #buzshow #russiaskate #buzdancecompanyh #gymnastics #iceshow
⛸Skater : Doğa GÜNER Coach: @mesutsasmaz35 @sgamzes @ice_skating_turkey for more videos #izmir #figureskater #edeaskates #patinajeartistico #editsskatingft #icephotography #iceskates #iceskaters #iceskater #patinaje #figureskatingthings #iceskate #iceskating #figureskatingvideos #buzpateni #icedance #buzshow #russiaskate #buzdancecompanyh #gymnastics #iceshow