ichooselife fitness lawofattraction nutrition glutenfree arbonne doingitformyself ificandoitsocanyou plantpower positivethinking soyfree thoughtsbecomethings vegan arbonneindependentconsultant betterlifechoices choosingme doingitformyfamilysfuture followmeplease healthyliving lifestylechange poweredbyplants twinmom arbonne30daystohealthyliving ecologicalrevolution mynewjourneybegins plantbaseddiet arbonneveganmealplan citizensassembly plastic stacekramer
Start with baby steps, until they turn into giant leaps!
Keep the faith, it'll all fall into place. As long as you don't give up or give in to negativity!
You are at the wheel...
. .
#foodforthought #weallhaveapath #trustyourintuition #walkthewalk #inspiringquotes #empoweringquotes #motivationalquotes #ichooselife #warriorgoddesstraining #foodforthoughts #mood #motd #listentoyoursoul #trustyourgut
2 weeks ago was my birthday and the day was incredible...I made it to 42 years old and I’ve never felt stronger. Cancer certainly changes your perspective on becoming older. I’ll take another year around the sun any day! ☀️
Today marks a year since my last chemo treatment. As I look at all the pictures from then to now, I smile, I tear up, and I swell with gratitude. So much L I F E has happened in a year. Many days cancer seems so surreal, yet I have the scars, the hair, the fear of recurrence, and the foobs to prove it. So many lessons learned, tears shed, laughter and personal growth.
Here’s what my 42 year old self would tell my 22 year old me about living my best life and how to show up as the best version of myself:
1. Listen to your body. You know your body better than anyone else, so treat it with respect.
2. Sleep is important. You need 8 hours to feel good. Go to bed early and fuel your body with rest. Social media can wait.
3. Mindfulness. Notice and be aware of your emotions, your triggers, and pay attention. When you’re mindful, you can then move toward self-compassion and figure out what you need to take care of you.
4. Food. Eat to fuel your body and eat clean. The cleaner you eat, the better you feel. You don’t *need* cheese as much as you think.
5. Exercise makes you feel stronger, physically and emotionally. It contributes to your mindset for the day. You can wake up at 4:30am for a 5am bootcamp class and still slay the day.
6. Gratitude. Making a daily habit to experience, look for, note, write down, and verbalize gratitude is life changing.
7. Laugh. Laugh a lot. Surround yourself with people you love and can make you laugh.
8. Don’t underestimate the power of community and support.
#grateful #madeformore #selfcompassion #warriorwithin #lifeaftercancer #selfmade #breastcancerawareness #survivor #thriver #brca2 #ichoosejoy #ichooselife #gratitude #lovelife #inspire #doublemastectomy #oophorectomy #mindfulness #health #wellness #momlife
Por eso vamos a la acción directa noviolenta, para que ni gobiernos ni mercados puedan ignorar más el problema. Rebélate por la vida y únete a la Rebelión por la extinción ! #extinction Rebellion #fridaysforfuture#ichooselife#citizensassembly #strikeonfridays #fridaysforclimate #theclimatemobilisation #wedonthavetime #risingfromthewreckage #ecologicalrevolution #rebelforlife #fridaysforfuture #rebeldesporlatierra.#orangutanalliance #saynotopalmoil #saynotopalmoil @besomeone.world#plastic #sustainability #spanishrevolution @ceco.mx #huertoromaverde @natgeo.la #Ecología #vegana #medioambiente#savetheworld #whomademyclothes#tableedeschefsmx #pessoaspreocupadas @la voz de la madre Tierra @consumoresponsablemx @xr.puertoescondido #nowaynorway #NoForestsNoLive #NoForestNolife #greenpeace @fash_rev @janegoodallespana #waoraniresistance Por eso vamos a la acción directa noviolenta, para que ni gobiernos ni mercados puedan ignorar más el problema. Rebélate por la vida y únete a la Rebelión por la extinción ! #extinction Rebellion #fridaysforfuture#ichooselife#citizensassembly #strikeonfridays #fridaysforclimate #theclimatemobilisation #wedonthavetime #risingfromthewreckage #ecologicalrevolution #rebelforlife #fridaysforfuture #rebeldesporlatierra.#orangutanalliance #saynotopalmoil #saynotopalmoil @besomeone.world#plastic #sustainability #spanishrevolution @ceco.mx #huertoromaverde @natgeo.la #Ecología #vegana #medioambiente#savetheworld #whomademyclothes#tableedeschefsmx #pessoaspreocupadas @la voz de la madre Tierra @consumoresponsablemx @xr.puertoescondido #nowaynorway #NoForestsNoLive #NoForestNolife #greenpeace @fash_rev @janegoodallespana #waoraniresistance@climatebreakdown@ecologicalbreakdown
Llegará el día en que la naturaleza deje de perdonarnos ..
#savetheworld #huertoromaverde #life #revolution #theclimatemobilisation #extinction #strikeonfridays #citizensassembly #orangutanalliance #ichooselife #ecologicalrevolution #risingfromthewreckage #wedonthavetime #saynotopalmoil #fridaysforclimate #rebelforlife #nowaynorway #earthday #ambiente #whomademyclothes #rebeldesporlatierra #liliguzmanmx #cambioclimatico #agua #recicla #concienciaambiental #pachamama #reduce
So yesterday my phone was bugging and wouldn't work .... I had to go 24 hours without a functioning phone and it was the first time that I've ever been OK with it! I could physically feel my brain relaxing and it was nice to just disconnect for a day! ♀️ At the end of the day, somehow, my phone came back to life!! It's as if the universe was forcing me to take a day away from the chaos of life!! ️Here's a poem I wrote on the matter:
"Text me or just call me".
"Scan that fax immediately".
"Did you not check your Instagram"?
Not really, I don't give a damn.
"Snapchat where you are silly,
I'll know anyway by your FB".
"Just posted the funniest ever Tweet".
Maybe it's time to take a beat.
A moment for myself now
An instant just to settle down
Where I can simply just be
And think of nothing else but me.
No thoughts of ill necessities
Recharge more than my batteries
No demands and no requests,
A moment to just disconnect.
Unplug my mind's devices
Give in to simple vices
A glass of wine, a drag of smoke
The luxuries that I revoke.
And slow but surely I succumb
My brain and body both are numb
When sleep is a commodity
I disengage quite actively.
Wetransfer-ing our lives away
It doesn't have to be that way
Collecting moments in Dropbox
Yet no time to collect our thoughts.
Find ways to Facetime and to Skype
No clue though what to do in life
Instead of "Like", appreciate
And find time to deactivate!
Need more than just a following
Wipe tears that you've been swallowing
Find time for joy and happiness
Instead of just the Internet!
Photog : @kpierre850
MUA : Amy Simms
Bodysuit : @revampedclothinginc
#disconnect #enjoythelittlethings #befree #Facebook #twitter #FaceTime #Internet #tinder #livelifetothefullest❤ #deactivateforaday✂️ #setyourmindfree✌️#ichooselife #alleviatetheburdensoflife #choosehowyouliveeachday #choosehappy❤️ #challengeyourself #findtimeforlivingfun #takeabreak #beingBaj
Alhamdulillah harini genap sebulan umur #donsulaiman
Rasa macam baruuu ja dia balik rumah haritu. Iye laa.. Baru sampai rumah sehari dua, dah kena admit hampir seminggu for jaundice. Abangnya pulak tengah chicken pox waktu tu.. Tapi nak jadi cerita, kuarantin/jaga macamana pun, berjangkit juga dan akhirnya baby masuk hosp lagi seminggu untuk rawatan chicken pox
Dulu berhajat untuk dapatkan vaccine chicken pox untuk #donmustofa dan #donibrohim Tapi rezeki waktu tu, vaccine susah untuk masuk stok dan sangat terhad. Maka seperti yang dijangkakan, akhirnya terkenalah jangkitan. Alhamdulillah masih terkawal dengan rawatan konservatif. Cuma adik bongsu yang perlukan rawatan rapi sebab immunity masih terlalu lemah.. Alhamdulillah sekarang semua sudah sihat. Sekali dengan abang-abangnya.. Terima kasih semua yg mendoakan ♥️ .
Harini ada postnatal checkup sekali dengan booster dose vaccine HepB. Cuba selak balik buku anak masing2.. kalau ada yang tercicir, boleh ke klinik kesihatan berhampiran untuk catch up balik ye! #prochoice #ichooselife #immuniseforlife #vaccinateyourkids