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Amongst the chaos of motherhood, I’ve learned it can be hard to take a step back, take a deep breath and focus on myself for a few.
On the days I take some extra time to put myself together in the morning, or do something small for me, I find my whole perspective and direction of the day can change for the better.
I’m loving this book right now because it divides different ways you can relax and pamper yourself in the time frames available to you. Some are a days out, some take an hour and others only five minutes- perfect for busy moms. So let’s do our make-up, get the mani, enjoy our coffee and kill it ♀️
. Truth!! ....Go tell mom, she’ll know what you want. .
-DM for credit
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Between Owen’s injury, being out of town for a few weeks and getting ready to head back out in a few days...my sleeping pattern has been a bit all over the map! One reason I’m SO THANKFUL for these oils! This handful here are some of my favs for helping me get a good night’s sleep...NATURALLY! ❤️ Roman Chamomile, Copaiba, Lavender, Wild Orange, Cedarwood and Clary Sage are just a few of some GREAT options!
One thing I do personally (and highly recommend) is switching up which oils I use for my nighttime routine once in a while! Currently I’m using dōTERRA’s Roman Chamomile and Clary Sage.
So I wanna know...what is YOUR favorite oil to use at night or to help you sleep better?! (SO many great options to pick from!) ✨
Walter Barreto, de 7 anos, é o mais novo herói da família, que mora em Teresina (PI).
Na quarta-feira (5), ele salvou o primo, Alírio Davi Barreto, de 3 anos, que se engasgou com a comida durante o almoço.
Desesperados, avô e tia tentaram socorrer a criança, mas não sabiam como agir. Foi nessa hora que o primo Walter entrou em ação. ❤️
O menino sabia o que fazer graças ao projeto voluntário para crianças do Samu, conhecido como "Samuzinho". ♂️
"Quando eu vi que todo mundo estava desesperado tentando ajudar o Davi, eu fui lá e falei para minha mãe que eu podia fazer a manobra. ⛑
Então, em umas três tentativas, eu consegui desengasgar o Davi”, diz Walter. Fonte: UOL
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Andaluzja jest pełna takich kontrastów. Biel i kolory lubię najbardziej. Tak samo mam w życiu, lubię czystą kartkę malowaną kolorami. I pomysleć, że 10 lat temu nosiłam wyłącznie czarne ubrania. Do dzisiejszego zdjecia zainspirowała mnie Dominika z @kobiecafotoszkola. Jestem uzależniona od jej instawtorkow. A Wy dziewczyny lubicie kolory, czy czujecie się lepiej w neutralnym otoczeniu?
#instawtorek #dziewczynykfs #kfs #wyzwaniekfs #kobiecafotoszkola #kobiecafotoszkoła #instakobieta #polishgirl #stylizacja #momiform #casualstyle #americanstyle #fashionstyles4me #helloig #igmom #fashionmoment #inspirujemyinstagram #womenstyles #instazklasa #modnamama #momof2 #womenstyle #motherlook #momstyle #streetfashionweek #mijas #mijaspueblo #sukienkawkwiaty #andalucia
Take me back! ♀️ It’s currently 39°F in Michigan. ⠀
S p r i n g. G e t. i t. T o g e t h e r. ⠀
☀️ ⠀
Happy Monday everyone, What’s the weather like where you live?! .
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Feelin' F R E S H
Graysons outfit from @redstarkids
My leggings from @handmade_leggings .
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