exceptional ikastreet ikasoul ikasoulart exceptional_photos exceptional_pics exceptional_picture exceptional_pictures photoobserve bnw_exceptional artistry_flair artistry_lords exceptional_pic photoobserved photoobserver bnwchallengeaccepted artistry_dark exceptionalpictures _instnt black_white blacknwhite_perfection blackwhitephoto simplyblack simplyblackandwhite whiteand whitelights black_light whiteandblack whiteandblackphotography whitelight exceptional_pic
TREASURE 3/3. ‘I’m In You’ - Peter Frampton’. ____________________________I found my precious jewels yesterday. One of them was him. Seemed like wanting to be found, indeed just on the corner of that alley. (... lucky me). Politely introduced myself...and point-blank saying that I like his face etc. He was very kind and interested in helping me, while in the mid of his break. So I took quick adjustments (Changing to zoom lens was no option, had to work fast), needless to say, only 6 shots were all I need. They are all turned out awesome. I’ll save The Best Three for him. ______________________________________My gratitude to you Razi @razi_smooth ⭐️. #ikasoul #ikasoulart #ikastreet #bnw_exceptional #photoobserve #photoobserver #photoobserved #exceptional #exceptional_pictures #exceptional_picture #exceptional_pic #exceptional_pics #exceptional #exceptional_photos #flair_bnw #artistry_lords #artistry_flair #artistry_dark #bwworld_tr #bwworld
SOFT AND SLOW 1/3. ‘I Feel For You’ - (Chaka Khan cover by The Mighty Untouchables) #ikasoul #ikasoulart #ikastreet #floralart #floral_perfection #floral_shots #floral_secrets #floralfix #moodforfloral #floralphotography #floralartistry #floralartist #dsflorals #dsfloral #dsflowers #flowers_shotz #flowery #flower_beauties #flower_
LOVE SUNNY DAY 8/9 - ‘Montana’ - Justin Timberlake. Inspired by @frank_stracuzzi #ikasplash #ikastreet #ikasoulart #bnw_exceptional #bnw_splash #splash_turk #splash_creative_pictures #splash_igers #think_splash #be_one_splash #fever_splash #addicted_to_splash #world_bestsplash #loves_colorsplash #gallery_of_splash #bestsplashpics #passion_for_splashing #bnwsplash_perfection #best_expression_splash #cb_colorsplash #colorsplash_class #colorsplash_kings #colorsplash_dr #colorsplash_mx #colorsplash_bu #colorsplash_of_our_world
LOVE SUNNY DAY 9/9 - ‘Montana’ - Justin Timberlake ⭐️TOP POST ⭐️PIC FEATURED⭐️ Inspired by @frank_stracuzzi #ikasplash #ikastreet #ikasoulart #bnw_exceptional #bnw_splash #splash_turk #ikasbeautiful #splash_creative_pictures #splash_igers #think_splash #be_one_splash #fever_splash #addicted_to_splash #world_bestsplash #loves_colorsplash #gallery_of_splash #bestsplashpics #passion_for_splashing #bnwsplash_perfection #best_expression_splash #cb_colorsplash #colorsplash_class #colorsplash_kings #colorsplash_dr #colorsplash_mx #colorsplash_bu #colorsplash_of_our_world
PAINFULLY BEAUTIFUL 2/3 ‘Cause We’ve Ended as Lover’ - Jeff Beck. ( Blow By Blow) TOP POST ⭐️PIC FEATURED⭐️. #simplyblackandwhite #simplyblack #blacknwhite_perfection #blackwhitephoto #black_white #black_light #whiteandblack #whiteandblackphotography #whitelight #whitelights #whiteand #exceptional_pictures #exceptional_picture #exceptional_pics #photoobserve #exceptionalpictures #exceptional_photos #exceptional #ikastreet #ikasoul #ikasoulart #bnw_exceptional #flair_bnw #artistry_lords #artistry_flair #artistry_dark