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Some women are doctors, teachers or specialists, others are business women?
Are you a 9-5er or a business owner Which ever one you do is amazing and challenging in its own special way but which one do your prefer and why Or perhaps you are team both?
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Are you ready to go from the basics to the wawuuuuuuuu
Yep, that's the compliment you gonna be getting when you install this blonde hair, go blonde or go home
Swipe to see the picture
Hair is available in bundles and frontal
Hair is available as seen✔️✔️✔️
12 inches 26,000
14 inches 28,000
16 inches 31,000
No tangling ✔️✔️✔️
100% humanhair ✔️✔️✔️
Installmental payment is allowed ✔️✔️
#humanhairinlagos #hairbundlesdeals #blondehairinlagos #alexunusal #naijababes #lagosmadam #ikejawomen #lagoswomen #lekkibabes #ikoyiwomen #Hairshopinlagos #goodnewsera
Braid inspiration by @mobilebeauticians
We have the best braiding hair for drool-worthy braid hairstyles like this.
Swipe for our braid hair options to help you slay your next best braids.
And the best part is that our braid hair is back on SALES!!!
Tag someone that will rock this hairstyle
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Be keen on knowing what happens if you don't give up. Watch out for her revenge body @hustlersquare
Workout routine:
1️⃣ High knees with straight punches 20 reps
2️⃣ Jumping jacks 50 reps
3️⃣ Elbow to thigh squats 20 reps
4️⃣ Elbow plank 45 secs
Strech it to 4-5 sets and enjoy the burn after, 45 secs in between exercises and 1 minute after each round.
Still searching for a fitness trainer who's committed to helping you achieve your fitness goals... search no more, I am the ANSWER to your fitness problems. Shoot me a DM and let sculpt that body together.
Let's win as always, fitness all the way
#ikoyilagos #ikoyi #ikoyiwomen #livinginikoyi #lekkycountyhomes #chevron #oralestate #lekkiphase1 #lekkilagos #lekkiwomen #womeninlekki #lekkiwivesrocks #lekkihousewife #fitfam #fitfamlekki #bellanaija #lindaikeji #tatafonaija #tundeednut #instablog #instablog9ja #delemomoduovation #lifestyle #ikoyimen #ikoyimum #ajah #ajahlagos #cooperativevillaestate #lagosfitness #hustlersquare ️ You rock
Can you remember the last time you bought a hair from a vendor and she told you that it is "Grade 7a or 10a"
Do you know why that hair was given that title?
Lemme see how many people actually value what I teach here!
If you want me to break down the story behind graded hairs, show your interest in the comment section!
With me you can confidently say bye bye to Ignorance!
Hows your day going? Its raining heavily at my office.☁☁⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈⛈