imvutaken imvu imvuedits imvufashion imvuafterdark imvufinest imvulove imvumodel imvudope imvupictureperfect imvusexy imvubaddie imvulifestyle imvudaily imvulife imvuavi imvuphoto imvusingle imvucreator imvuphotography imvublogger imvumarried imvuonly imvulit imvusummer imvuap imvuart imvustream imvuinstagram imvumodels imvuphoto
¥Picked Up my only princess from her school today and she’s was so excited to see me since I’ve been away.My love bug got soo big and y’all I couldn’t help but to give her kisses alllll over her precious faceeee, and of course her sassy ass gonna wipe my kisses off ♀️. She began to tell me about her days and school and how a couple of boys have been bullying her. I had to explain to her how G her momma really is♀️¥.
Lani: Ewwww mommy I got gloss all over my face now .
Me: Cuzzzz I miss you soo much duhhh
Lani: mommy I have to tell you something. This boy keep on messing with me in school and he pushed me.
Me: Oh did he? Well you know what we do to mean boys Lani: No...
Me: Kick em in the balls then go on about your day like nothing happened .
Lani: mommy.. butt.. but I don’t wanna got in trouble.
Me: well don’t worry love, do what I told you to do and I’ll take of it from there with the principal and his parents, I don’t tolerate bullying and I don’t play when it comes down to you and your brothers.
Lani: Yes Ma’am.
Location Atlanta, GA 3:18pm
#imvubaddies #imvuavi #imvumom #imvuslay #imvutaken #imvusexy #imvupictureperfect #imvu #imvurich #imvudaily #imvublogger #imvublogs #imvuafterdark #imvuglam #imvuphotography #imvuphoto #imvuedits #imvulife #imvukids #imvufamilies
, á ã ê. .
.....#topedittuesday #imvusexy #imvu #imvuworld #imvucreator #imvufashion #imvuonly #imvustylish #imvucredits #imvucreditplug #imvucreditreseller #imvuaccount #imvuseller #imvu #imvufamily #imvuedits #imvusingle #imvubaddie #imvumodel #imvutaken #imvuavi #imvushop #imvuafterdark #imvusexy #imvulife
" em qualquer lugar to bem,tanto faz,esse país é um continente e o mundo é grande demais" . . .
.....#topedittuesday #imvusexy #imvu #imvuworld #imvucreator #imvufashion #imvuonly #imvustylish #imvucredits #imvucreditplug #imvucreditreseller #imvuaccount #imvuseller #imvu #imvufamily #imvuedits #imvusingle #imvubaddie #imvumodel #imvutaken #imvuavi #imvushop #imvuafterdark #imvusexy #imvulife
Love and laugh, and live life.
.....#topedittuesday #imvusexy #imvu #imvuworld #imvucreator #imvufashion #imvuonly #imvustylish #imvucredits #imvucreditplug #imvucreditreseller #imvuaccount #imvuseller #imvu #imvufamily #imvuedits #imvusingle #imvubaddie #imvumodel #imvutaken #imvuavi #imvushop #imvuafterdark #imvusexy #imvulife
"Refém das minhas próprias escolhas
Eu vi o caminho do sol eu sigo o caminho da luz. "
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.....#topedittuesday #imvusexy #imvu #imvuworld #imvucreator #imvufashion #imvuonly #imvustylish #imvucredits #imvucreditplug #imvucreditreseller #imvuaccount #imvuseller #imvu #imvufamily #imvuedits #imvusingle #imvubaddie #imvumodel #imvutaken #imvuavi #imvushop #imvuafterdark #imvusexy #imvulife