infectiousdiseases diseases diseaseprevention healing herpes herpesawareness herpescurenaturally herpesgenital herpessimplex1 herpessimplex2 hpvawareness hpvvaccine hsv1 hsv2 drsebi medicine infectologia publichealth aids healthcare internalmedicine care diabetes hypertension medicina mexico infectologia
Microscopic image of the fungus Aspergillus terreus in the respiratory. Stained by Lactophenol Cotton Blue.
Repost @danamastrandrea
#microbiology #microbiologia #micro_clinica #bacteriology #fungy #funinfungi #microart #medicalmicrobiology #mycology #zygomycete #medicalscience #science #lactophenolcottonblue #aspergillus #clinicalmicrobiology #infectiousdiseases #microscopy #love #pharmacy #microbiologist #flowers #likesforlikes #micologia #medicalscience #microscopy #laboratory #laborayorywork #laboratorylove #biomedical #microbiologiaclinica #fungos #clinicalmicroscopy
#Cat defense! One thing stewardship pharmacists do is try to make sure broad-spectrum antibiotic use is rational. While I think this tweet is generally funny, I will say I believe stewardship is best when it is a team effort rather than a policing of others. Being seen as the ♂️♀️ “antibiotic police” is too negative and does not do good for organizational culture...... #Pharmacy #Antibiotics #Abxstewardship #defendabx #saveabx #nursing #criticalcare #pharmacist #pharmacistlife #pharmlife #hospital #medicine #medschool #infectiousdiseases ...used screen capture for this but it works, right? ♂️
Why do doctors put on such serious faces ALL the time? I am rebelling (mostly inside, haha) against these unspoken meaningless ideas(ex. People think you are less capable of doing anything if you are a joyful person). Here in my 10m² room. With a guitar and too many feminists thoughts.
Maybe I should say something about the photo. Ok. Last day of the Infectious diseases rotation.⚕️ Loved the staff. Really nice, calm people in Rennes. And the professeur chef de clinique who signed my papers smiling and telling me he knows many good Romanian doctors. Clearly not the ones who shut the door in your face cause they're always having a bad day. Friends, be thankful for what you have. I am. And I'm forever grateful for being able to live in France.
Joyeux Noël/Merry Christmas/Crăciun fericit! #begoodtooneanother #staysafe #dontgetSDS #haha #infectiousdiseases #medstudent #france #erasmus
I'm extracting extracellular metabolites of my second strain, nice color, isn't it? ⚗️After that I'm going to seprate every fraction in the extract and evaluate it on ☣️K. pneumoniae virulence factors, why? Because the extract has shown antimicrobial activity against such superbug . This is an ordinary process when you are looking for new antimicrobial compounds. Good afternoon friends . #biotechnology #laboratory #antibiotics #bacteria #research #microbiology #infectiousdiseases #drugdevelopment #clinicalmicrobiology #chemistry
On the Infectious Diseases Department with our prestigious mentor doctor Ata Nevzat Yalçin @anyalcin ⚕️ There is an article about us too☺️ :
#antalya #turkey #erasmus #student #medicine #infectiousdiseases #hospital #doctor #mentor #future
When it comes to antibiotics: Every. Single. Day. Counts... Friday’s may be the ☝most important day to make sure an appropriate duration of therapy plan is in place, since things tend to slow down on weekends... Slide via Dr. Heil, presented by Dr. McCreary. #SaveABX #abxstewardship #IDstewardship #pharmacology #pharmacistlife #pharmacyschool #infectiousdiseases #pharmacy #medicine #hospitallife #hospital #criticalcare #paschool #physicianassistant #nursepractitioner #physicianassistantstudent #Medicine #antibiotics