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Hashtags for theme #INFERTILITYSUPPORT

We did it! One maybe baby is all tucked in and hopefully getting comfortable. This morning was our embryo transfer. We got off to a bit of a rocky start when they thawed one embryo and it didn’t survive. That conversation was heart stopping. My anxiety went through the roof. After waiting around for a while (with a very uncomfortably full bladder) they thawed a second embryo which they said was perfect. Our transfer went smoothly from there and now I’m at home watching Netflix on the couch. ❄️

Hashtags for theme #INFERTILITYSUPPORT

Infertility couples cope with a lot of outside noise. Any of this chatter sound familiar? Repost @amberbalkom #infertility #infertilityawareness #infertilityjourney #infertilitysupport #ttc #ttcsisters #infertilitycommunity

Hashtags for theme #INFERTILITYSUPPORT

Please, please, PLEASE think or just stop asking women, couples, etc about children. Trust me- if they have child(ren), you will know. Stories, pictures, need for coffee, etc will all be readily gushed. #fertility #fertilityawareness #compassion #infertility #endometriosis #endosisters #infertilityawareness #infertilitysupport #kindnessmatters

Hashtags for theme #INFERTILITYSUPPORT

Happy Transferversary to Brandon and Tiana, SGF patients from Canada! We love seeing International SGF miracle babies. "8.5 years of #infertility, treatment, heartache, loss, grief and hopelessness lead us to Shady Grove Fertility. Our first transfer was unsuccessful and we were crushed. The second transfer, we DROVE 36 hours each way (in 7 days) because it was the only way we could afford to go again so soon. And it worked! Before we knew it, we were passing milestones that brought our dream closer and closer. And then, to our surprise, our beautiful daughter made her entrance 5 weeks early. Healthy but early she spent a week in the NICU before we got to take her home. Our daughter is the most amazing, perfect tiny human we could ever have hoped for. She is the love of our lives. We are so grateful for Dr. Stillman, our nurse Vivian and the whole team at SGF Rockville who made the experience so positive." #infertilityjourney #ttc #sgfstrong #canadianbaby #ttccommunity #infertilitysupport #miraclebaby #fet #embryotransfer

Hashtags for theme #INFERTILITYSUPPORT

Reminder from @goodchivesonly.⠀ . . .⠀ #infertility #infertilitysupport #infertilitywarrior #infertilitysisters #infertilitycommunity #infertilityhope #infertilityhurts #infertilitysucks #infertilityawareness #infertilitystruggles #infertilityjourney #ivf #iui #ttcsisters #tryingtoconceive #miscarriage #ttcafterloss #ttcaftermiscarriage #recurrentpregnancyloss

Hashtags for theme #INFERTILITYSUPPORT

Our fertilization report is in! Of our 9 eggs, 8 were inseminated via ICSI and 6 successfully fertilized. That is double what we had at this stage during our first cycle. God is so good! And we feel very blessed to have made it this far. . Now for some real talk. What we didn’t expect directly following this call was a feeling of immense sadness. Seth and I sat together feeling overwhelmed by this unexpected emotion for awhile. When we finally found the right words, we talked about how we felt punched in the gut. We thought this moment would be a moment of pure joy because we’ve come so far. We didn’t anticipate such complex emotions. . We talked through how we felt and why we might feel that way. What we realized was that these feelings are coming from a place of fear. We’ve successfully reached this point before only to have our hearts shattered a few days later. I wish we could put the past in the past but that’s just not how grief works. It can hit you out of nowhere with the smallest of triggers. We didn’t realize that phone call would be so triggering for us. But it was, and we had to allow ourselves to feel what we felt in order to get to the other side. . The truth is we don’t know how our update on Saturday, June 8 will go. But we aren’t letting fear lead us over the next few days because fear is a liar! We’re going to continue putting our trust in our good, good Father above. We know He will never leave us or forsake us. We’ve done our part, and the rest is up to Him. . But if not, He’s still good. . . . #infertility #infertilitysupport #infertilityjourney #infertilityawareness #infertilitywarrior #infertilitycommunity #ivfjourney #ivf #ivfcommunity #ivfsupport #ivfwarrior

Hashtags for theme #INFERTILITYSUPPORT

From one cyster to another...I know what to pray because I know what plaques you. I know what makes you cry and what makes you feel frustrated. I know the thoughts of guilt you have before each bite and how you wish even looking at bread didn't cause you to gain weight. But it does. Sweet cyster, tonight I see you because I am you. And tonight, I am praying for you.

Hashtags for theme #INFERTILITYSUPPORT

Um no

Hashtags for theme #INFERTILITYSUPPORT

we understand the word sacrifice more than most people do #infertilitycommunity

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