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Pursuing each other is a lifelong commitment to each other. One of the primary ways that you can facilitate this time of pursuit in your marriage is through a regular rhythm of dating each other.
What does it mean to date you spouse?
Simply setting time aside to rediscover each other and fan the flame of your friendship. This life gets hectic. The schedule gets crammed and our energy is low. Dating you spouse means pushing these things to the periphery so that you can carve out time for each other.
Set time aside to focus on having fun and stoking the flame of your marriage. Prioritize your friendship! It's one of the strongest bonds that will hold you together.
#marriagetips #marriagequotes #marriageadvice #marriagematters #staymarried #loveyourspouse #beating50percent #ilovemyhusband #ilovemywife #marriageworks #twincitiesblogger #marriageblog #marriedmybestfriend #discoverunder5k
#welovemarriage #mysoulmate #luckyinlove #whatimthankfulfor #lovelikethis #inyourarms #infinitelove #lovingyou #loveisyou #godsblessings #weareblessed #marriagerocks #himandher #lifepartner #lovehard #dateyourspouse
✨ ✨ ❤️ ✨ ✨ Let this July be the most awesome month you have ever had in your life! ✨ ✨ ❤️ ✨ ✨
Claim it now, The Universe is waiting for your order!
Please follow @lawofattractionmanifesting for daily thoughts and inspiration.
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Being transparent is not about a loss of rights, but about building unity. The strongest marriages have an unshakable unity that comes from being intimate and open with one another.
When we step into the covenant of marriage, we are stepping into a formative relationship where we are becoming one with another person. It's impossible to do this when we keep part of our lives locked behind close doors.
What you value will ultimately determine what you will receive. If you value personal privacy, then it will open the door to mistrust, deception, and sin. But if you value transparency, it opens the door up to unity, trust, and accountability.
#marriagetips #marriagequotes #marriageadvice #marriagematters #staymarried #loveyourspouse #beating50percent #ilovemyhusband #ilovemywife #marriageworks #twincitiesblogger #marriageblog #marriedmybestfriend #discoverunder5k
#welovemarriage #mysoulmate #luckyinlove #whatimthankfulfor #lovelikethis #inyourarms #infinitelove #lovingyou #loveisyou #godsblessings #weareblessed #marriagerocks #himandher #lifepartner #lovehard #dateyourspouse
We spend so much time having the perfect wedding, yet we rarely invest half the amount of time, money, or energy into the rest of our marriage. Work to make the rest of your life together even more beautiful than the start.
Here are three quick ways you can invest into your relationship.
1) Read Books Together. There is so much wisdom out there for you to learn from. Read devotionals, marriage books, and the Bible together. Share what you are learning.
2) Never Stop Dating. Create a routine of setting time aside for you to reconnect and pursue each other. Never let the dating and fun stop in your marriage.
3) Pray Together. Share your spiritual journey with each other. Don't compartmentalize this area of you life off. Be intimate and share everything that is happening in your prayer life.
#marriagetips #marriagequotes #marriageadvice #marriagematters #staymarried #loveyourspouse #beating50percent #ilovemyhusband #ilovemywife #marriageworks #twincitiesblogger #marriageblog #marriedmybestfriend #discoverunder5k
#welovemarriage #mysoulmate #luckyinlove #whatimthankfulfor #lovelikethis #inyourarms #infinitelove #lovingyou #loveisyou #godsblessings #weareblessed #marriagerocks #himandher #lifepartner #lovehard #dateyourspouse
En route pour les vacances !
Pas d’émissions pendant 6 semaines, qui sait, je vais peut-être rajeunir de trente ans...
Cette année a été d’une richesse exceptionnelle. Tous les matins au micro des @cheminsdelaphilo (@franceculture) le vendredi sur @publicsenat, le dimanche sur @dartdart_officiel (@france2), la colllection de philo aux @editionsdelobservatoire (la Relève), sans parler des endroits merveilleux que les conférences m’ont fait découvrir.
RIEN de tout cela n’aurait été possible sans les fabuleuses personnes qui m’ont entourée cette année. Que ce soit aux lectures ou au maquillage, à la programmation ou au soutien moral, ces personnes sont précieuses.
M.E.R.C.I à vous, qui écoutez, regardez ou lisez ce que j’essaie de transmettre. C’est à vous que tout ce travail s’adresse. Vos retours décuplent mon énergie !
Je vous embrasse très fort. Et je vous donne rdv de l’autre côté de l’été pour de nouvelles aventures.
PS: je ne porte plus la frange, mais je fais toujours du vélo.
@geraldinemosnasavoye @thomas_beau @anais.ysebaert @colombagrossi @sandrinetreiner @emmanuel.laurentin @claire.d.marin @theflyingcocktailian @liloutchk @sophie_carbonari @johannafath @claralacroix_make_up @doldtiphaine @laurevigneau @lucilleuhlrich @raphael_doub @dodocorse
#infinitelove #dreamteam #maintenantdodo