innergrowth selfcare selflove growth positivevibes selfdiscovery cancermoon geminiseason innerpeace meditation personalgrowth selfcareissacred selfworth awakening coachinglifestyle dailyaffirmations documentation empathyforlife fulfillment growthmindset growthroughit happiness happy healing intentionalbusiness iwillovercome loveyourself peace positivethoughts progressnotperfection fnietzsche
With so many things fighting for our attention it’s hard to develop thoughts of yourself for yourself. Personal standards persuaded by the environment we live in. When you wake up, before you get stimulated by your surroundings; stare yourself in the mirror and set your very own personal standards for your life. Make sure they are your own not from what you’ve seen or heard but your own. Yea, sure it’s weird however weird people become uncommon. #upgradeu #ymoore #nathanieltmoore
#positivethinkingalways #seeingthegood #smile #createthelove #selfhealers #abetteryou #spiritualjunkie #raiseyourvibe #lettinggoquotes #beststrongquotes #souldeep #goddess #soulcare #spiritualgrowth #spirituality #lightworker #soulpurpose #spiritualgrowthspurts #innergrowth #wellnesswoman #emotionalbalance #moodsupport #vibratehigher #raiseyourvibration #awakening #wildflower #loveable #true #authentic #moongirlrising
#winning: When I stare at this picture I think of my adversity. Looks like my end point or goal is so far away and not attainable. Then negative thoughts start to set in BUT when I stare at the pavement just ahead of my feet, it’s then I regain control. It’s then I begin to encourage myself. The same was true in times of my greatest adversity. When I tried to gather my ahead around the massive undertaking I began to get discouraged BUT when I focused on the things that I could control, I begin to encourage myself. Don’t get ahead of yourself. The way you shape the macro is by focusing on the micro. Love you guys! #upgradeu #ymoore
The other night we experienced the full moon in Sagittarius ♐️
A time for expansive thinking leading to forward movement. Sagittarius is all about experiencing the journey rather than getting bogged down by the outcomes. For me last night I spent time journaling, realigning myself with my goals, and streamlining aspects of my life to reduce stress.
It’s by far my favorite way to spend an evening with the full moon, is to be alone with just my cards and my journal in an introspective state.
What are ways you like to spend your full moon evenings?
#selflovery #honoryourself #innergrowth #energyshift #awakenedsoul #innerknowing #followyourintuition #highervibes #spiritualityawake #spiritualcommunity #fullmooninsagittarius #fullmoon