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I’m having a rough morning. I’m not posting to fish, but to put a bow on this annoying narrative happening in my head. It’s a funny thing being told you could lose some weight. This weekend, a random man approached me to say, “You look like Jessie from Saved By The Bell! Well, if you lost weight you would.” Firstly, you’re an idiot because I look nothing like her and everyone knows I give off more of a Topanga vibe. But what’s the worst part of this is that in saying anything at all, he’s reminded me of the other times someone felt a need to share their opinion of my body. To the aforementioned idiot, here’s what you’ve done: You’ve reminded me of the guy that grabbed my stomach and said I was “too chubby” to be in the same bar as him. You’ve resurfaced the voice of a guy calling me “torso challenged.” You have awoken the beast of a coworker that told me I had gained the freshman fifteen. Well, jokes on all of you because you’re not telling me anything I haven’t already thought to myself. And yes, these three examples are from men but there’s plenty of bullying from women that this triggers too. Hence, my passion for supporting your local girl gang. While this post might give these thoughts attention they don’t deserve, let’s flip the script and highlight the #innervoice I’ve kicked into high gear the last two days. She’s running on empty to give me Beyoncé levels of confidence. She’s reminding me of the years that I’ve dedicated to #TheBarMethod to regain strength after an injury and then pay that forward as an instructor. She’s reminding me to fuel my body with the things it needs to stay energized (sometimes ice cream). She’s reminding me of the self-love work I’ve put in to ignore comments like these. Inner voice, you’re exhausted but resilient. YGG. Here’s a pic of me mid tipsy-smize while feeling cute. Here’s to being one day closer to unsolicited body comments going extinct. Here’s to the random man from this weekend; I hope you get what you need to resist the urge to put others down to lift yourself up. And mostly, I hope you get your eyes checked because, like I said, TOPANGA.