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☝️AIM HIGH☝️ The men and women I work with are elite, not because of their countless professional achievements, but because of their CHARACTER. Some are almost superhuman, like former Olympic trial athlete and high diver, @ryancjefferson. Younger kids often ask what qualities does it take to become a surgeon? Here are some of the big ones that come to mind and that I admire in the gentleman here, dropping the mic or taking flight...not sure ✅Self Discipline. Former college athletes make some of the most outstanding surgeons because of their work ethic and thick skin. ✅Adapatbility. Situations can change on a dime. You have to be flexible and quick in making adjustments. ✅Self Control. There is a lot at stake everyday. You have to master your emotions and how you manage stress. ✅Manual Dexterity. Our hands are our tools. A fine tremor is not a big deal, but clumsy, untrainable digits are a different story. ✅Critical Thinking. We solve problems all day long and often have to think outside the box. ✅Insight and Foresight. You have to recognize your limitations to keep everyone safe and be willing to ask for help when you need it. ✅Confidence wrapped in humility (opposite of bravado covered in glitter). ✅Team Player. Requires interpersonal skills and being adept at sharing ideas. ✅Intuition. This can’t be taught but it can be tailored. Surgeon’s don’t just “go with their gut” but they do make decisions based on accumulated experiences and good judgment. ✅Ownership and Empathy. We are training to be LEADERS. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ *The action hero pose in this photo was intended for theatrical purposes only. To all future OR personnel, remember to keep your hands below the axilla, above the waist, and directly in front when scrubbed ...and only touch the

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HAPPY•NATIONAL•DOCTORS•DAY! Here’s to all the superheroes across the planet (doctor or not) that make sacrifices for the betterment of humanity. #riseup #servicetoothers ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ *And a special thank you to all my colleagues. They have individually inspired me in ways they may not realize. I will miss all of you next year...some more than others...j/k

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Hello there ‍⚕️#ready #freddo #doctor #scrub #letsgo

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Happy Sunday. Start of the work week tomorrow. Regular clinic, cosmetic clinic, then I’m off to a conference on the latest advances in PRP and PDO threads for the cosmetic patient. * * In medicine it is so important to stay up to date in the latest techniques, and guidelines. This is important in all fields of medicine, but especially so in the aesthetic medicine field. If you don’t keep on top of the latest science, devices, and techniques you can’t deliver your patients the best outcomes and results they deserve. ⭐️* * What does your week look like? Let me know!

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before a cesarean section custom scrub cap by @surgicap_id

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SHOOKETH • • • #medschoollife #medschoolproblems #medschool #medstudent #medicalhumor #medicalmemes #futuredoctor #medicalshcoolmemes #residency #instanurse #meded #residentlife #futuredoc #nursestudents #nurseproblems #doctorlife #instadoc #premed #rn #nursingstudent #physicianassistantstudent #nurse #nurselife #physiciansassistant #pastudent #doctor #nursepractitionerstudent #pa #feels #therapy

Hashtags for theme #INSTADOC

Hiç bir insana rastlamadım ki, onda öğrenilecek bir şey bulunmasın. Hergün yuze yakın hasta görüyorum . Çok kısa olsa da onlarla ıletısımımız oluyor. Değişik hayat hikayeleri dınlıyorum , bir teyzenın gözundekı kızarıklığının sabaha kadar ölen evladının arkasından ağlaması olduğunu dınlıyorum. Her insan ayrı bir hikaye . Insanları ıyı dınleyın , gözlerının içine ıyı bakın. Okuma yazma bilmeyen bır ınsandan çok sey öğrenebılırsınız. Her hayat ayrı bir tecrube ayrı bır bakış açısı . Tecrube bence en onemlı ruh terbıyecısı. Tecrubeyle olgunlaşmış ruhlara dokunun bence. Hiçbir insanın bilgisi edinilmiş tecrübenin ötesine geçemez . Tecrube en ıyı öğretmendir önce sınav yapar sonra ders verir..Benım mesleğimin en guzel yanı bu . Her hastamdan birsey öğrenıyorum aslında . Onlar benım hem meslekı gelısımıme katkıda bulunuyor hem ruh gelişimime . En guzel öğretmenlerımde yaslı amcalarım teyzelerım ... çok guzel hikayelerı oluyor . Bu hafta benım için bitti . Herkese IYİ HAFTASONLARI #doktor #doctor #md #hastane #hospital #ophtalmologist #sağlık #instahealth #güzelsözler #cuma #haftasonu #instadoc #docsofinsta #hayırlıcumalar

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I come from a family of Indian female physicians. My mom (second from the left) and her middle sister (left) both went to medical school in India (Jipmer). I stand in solidarity, in support of the physicians in India, who have withstood such horrifying working conditions. It is unfortunately, increasingly common for doctors to be beaten by angry relatives of the recently deceased. Most recently, 200 people stormed a hospital, lamenting the death of a relative and seriously injuring a junior physician. A survey by the Indian Medical Association found that 75% of doctors have experienced verbal abuse and 12% physical abuse. A hospital in New Delhi actually started teaching resident physicians self-defense classes. In the last two years, West Bengal alone has had 175 episodes of violence against doctors and other health care providers. I cannot imagine fearing for my life and safety as a resident physician. The stresses of learning medicine as a newly minted doctor are daunting enough without adding worry over my physical well being to that list. Doctors in India went on strike today in solidarity. They still provided emergency services, but shut down outpatient care. Despite being threatened with losing their jobs and their housing, they held firm. And, they were able to affect change and help implement a real plan to improve security at hospitals. You have one doctor here across the Pacific Ocean in support of you as well. #doctorsinsolidarity #savedoctors #stopviolenceagainstdoctors

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Про H.pylori можно писать бесконечно, потому что тема эта очень актуальная и многогранная Сегодня давайте поговорим о том, когда обследоваться на H.pylori просто необходимо. Обязательно не забывайте про лайк ❤️ и сохраните публикацию – пригодится на будущее Итак, ниже список ситуаций, когда нужно обязательно обследоваться на H.pylori: Язвенная болезнь желудка во время и вне обострения. Если при гастросокопии обнаружена язва или рубец, то необходимо обследование. Кроме того вне обострения нужна диагностика, хотя бы раз в 1-2 года. Диспепсические симптомы при обострении – бывает так, что молодой пациент имеет гастрсокопию например 1-3-х летней давности, т.е. нет острой потребности делать её опять, но симптомы диспепсии есть, в этой ситуации обязательно обследоваться на хелик. Различные гастропатии – при выявлении на гастроскопии тех или иных воспалительных явлений обязательно обследование. Пациент принимает НПВС или аспирин длительно – к сожалению, при длительном приеме НПВС и аспирина (тут и кардиомагнил и тромбо-асс и др.) риск развития эрозивно-язвенных процессов очень высок, про сочетании с H.pylori – риск возрастает ещё выше!!! Пациент должен принимать ИПП (Омез, Нольпаза, Лосек, Эманера, Контролок, Нексиум и т.д.). Дело в том, что максимальная концентрация хелика обычно в антральном отделе, если пациент начинает принимать ИПП, то инфекция распространяется на весь желудок, может возникнуть так называемый пангастрит. А нам ведь не нужны лишние проблемы Наличие ГЭРБ тоже является показанием для диагностики H.pylori. Наличие MALTомы желудка Есть некая связь с наличием хелика и железодефицитной анемией, с тромбоцитопенической пурпурой (снижение тромбоцитов), поэтому при этих двух состояниях диагностика тоже необходима. Нужна публикация по особенностям подготовки к различным методам диагностики H.pylori

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