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What if you started now?
What if you started putting yourself first?
What if you stopped putting all your effort into proving yourself to others, and instead proved it to yourself?
What if you prioritized your health and wellness NOW, so you could feel confident and happy and comfortable in your body?
What if you actually believed you ARE WORTHY of feeling the way you dream about?
Your health, your confidence, your happiness no longer need to wait.
Temptations and triggers are everywhere.
But they are just excuses, and old patterns of permitting yourself to go overboard…sabotaging your long term health and wellness goals.
What’s holding you back from stepping in to LOVING YOURSELF?
The reason you’re scared to go all in is because you think:
ALL IN means giving up everything that’s comfortable.
ALL IN means you’ll stand out and be different compared to everyone else.
ALL IN means you may change, and what if everyone around you doesn’t.
ALL IN means you have to commit to yourself, and that’s unfamiliar.
All these things hold you back from trusting yourself. Loving yourself. And reaching your goals.
I am about SELF-LOVE first!
I help you uncover what’s really getting in the way of creating lasting change.
With me:
Step one—lets gets to business and create a healthier relationship between yourself and yourself. (And yes this is scary, but it’s necessary)
Step two—lets start introducing how to respond to your triggers in a successful way.
Step three—create the confidence, comfort, and self love to carry with you no matter your current obstacle.
If you’re ready to take real action, into creating sustainable change…then lets get started!
#theRADFrontier™ #themorsecode #revive #adjust #discover #tattooedtherapist
: @cmaphoto
You are your own hero; based on what you learn, master, complete, balance, and heal at the deepest level.
We often times live our lives within the restrictions of what we can see, prove, touch, and know. So we stay stuck, because of fear.
I used to be afraid of many things:
Asking for what I want in my relationships
Believing I could have the success I envision
Being accepted
Being loved
Being honest
Being good enough
Being worthy
Doing everything right
Yet, each time I faced those fears, and used the inner critic as a guiding light to do that exact thing it was telling me I am not— “enough, worthy, important, strong, capable, deserving, etc.” to do—I rose above the illusion.
Fear is not where you are destined to live…as it only holds you back and dims your light.
What are you afraid of?
⭐️Sabotaging your weight loss success
⭐️Being enough as you are
⭐️Losing the happiness you gain from developing confidence
⭐️Being truly loved in a healthy relationship
You no longer need to allow that critic to be in charge. Tell yourself what to think.
It’s protected you for a very long time, and for that, you can acknowledge it, thank it, and then ask what it’s really trying to tell you….
Trust, surrender, and let go of anything holding you back from living in your power!
Because when you make the commitment to yourself to:
⭐️Follow the dreams you are here to experience.
⭐️Listen to the whispers that are so easy to tune out.
⭐️Trust there is a bigger version of you to explore.
You begin to rise into a state of greater becoming. You step into your power!
No limits
No self judgment
No ego-mindedness
No shadow
No restrictions
Nothing can hold you back.
Your job is to re-commit daily to both what you know and have been taught and your trust and courage in something bigger than you.
You’ve got this!!! ♀️
: @cmaphoto
#theRADFrontier™ #themorsecode #revive #adjust #discover #tattooedtherapist