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#tipstuesdays Tip 2: Listen deeply enough to be changed by what you learn. ⠀
-Hal Saunders
In our normal lives we often listen to each other, but we listen so that we can respond. ️ What will I say back to you? In dialogue, the tip is to listen without thinking of your own response. It takes a real effort, but imagine what could happen if we were always listening so hard that we might be changed by what we learn? How different might that feel? ⠀
#response #listenhard #tipstuesdays #igr #intergrouprelations #intergroupdialogue #ucla #uclaigr #uclabruins #bruins #tips #dialogue #facilitation #listeningskills #brc #bruinresourcecenter #dialogueeverywhere #halsaunders #sustaineddialogue
Most of these meetings are currently scheduled for times when Little Bruin Clubhouse is open. What a great way for parenting students to get involved with their peers! #Repost @igr_ucla with @make_repost
Coming up on your last chance to register for an #IGR #dialogue group!! #freefood at each meeting. More info and registration at www.tinyurl[dot]com/UCLAIGR. See you there!! #intergroupdialogue #uclaigr #dialogueeverywhere #foodisprovided #ucla
This is one of the tough questions we will be wrestling with in today's dialogue at @antiochseattle hosted by the Evergreen #pnw branch of the @arttherapyorg ️⚖️
#ethics #ethtech #seattle #telehealth #telementalhealth #telemedicine #telebehavioral #antiochseattle #ceu #training #clinicalethics #clients #privatepractice #licsw #lmhc #lmft #learning #continuingeducation #bioethics #arttherapy #eata #kirkland #boundaries #intergroupdialogue #clinician #psych #competency #selfharm #suicide
Today, a question for you during this busy time of year: What do you do to take care of you?
“Fresh air works wonders for me. Whether it’s bitter cold and the air is crisp, or wet and rainy - or blue skies and sunshine ☀️, simply taking it in and pausing for a moment to experience the day as it is makes me feel connected to all the others who are also going about their day in the same air as me.” - Mollie, Co-creator of Convers(ate)
What about you?!
: @shape via @abigailrdavidson .
#freshair #selfcare #gather #conversation #askbetterquestions #kickstarter #comingsoon #facilitaion #intergroupdialogue #talktoeachother #putyourphonedown #recharge #holidays #gatherwithpurpose #connect #balance #authenticity #bringbackconversation #jeffersoniandinner #topicdinners #friends #community #thursday #motivation #yougotthis
Welcome to IGR's weekly #tipstuesdays in which we give tips about dialogue, facilitation, etc. - you name it. ✨⠀
Tip #1: Everyone is an expert in their own experience.⠀
Rather than spending energy on doubting or convincing, what more can we accomplish if we speak our truths and believe each other? To have a strong dialogue (not a debate or a seminar discussion) remember that each person is the #1 expert about their own experiences. Your job as a listener isn’t to evaluate to decide if this person is right or wrong, but just to believe them and then ask each other, “now what?”⠀
#tipstuesdays #igr #intergrouprelations #intergroupdialogue #ucla #uclaigr #uclabruins #bruins #tips #dialogue #facilitation #listeningskills #brc #bruinresourcecenter #dialogueeverywhere
It's really easy to complain about other people but it's a lot harder to propose solutions. It's even harder to help make those solutions a reality ⚖️
#facebook #facebookgroups #groupactivity #intergroupdialogue #solutions #problemsolving #solutionfocused #berealwithyourself #bethechange #putuporshutup #onlinegroups #passiveaggressive #moderator #groupmoderator #facebooklife #collegiality #ethics #communication #clinicalethics #practicewhatyoupreach #hypocrisy
#tipstuesdays Tip 7: Don’t problem-solve before you know the whole story. ⠀
It’s tempting to try to fix things as soon as you know that they’re broken. But people aren’t like flat tires. Our problems are complex and intricate. If you’re the type of person who likes to jump ♀️ in with a solution quickly, take a few breaths. Keep asking questions (What happened? How did it make you feel? What happened next? What do you need from us?) instead of offering solutions right off the bat. Offering solutions ends a conversation – practice keeping it going, and seeing what new places & solutions it will lead you to. ⠀
#problemsolve #problemsolving #complexproblems #solutions #igr #intergrouprelations #intergroupdialogue #ucla #uclaigr #uclabruins #bruins #tips #dialogue #facilitation #listeningskills #brc #bruinresourcecenter #dialogueeverywhere
#tipstuesdays Tip 4: Opinions are what people think – remember to go underneath ♂️ the surface to find out why. ️⠀
We’re all stating opinions all the time: the quarter system is hectic , UCLA is better than USC❗, bird scooters are going to rise up and kill us all. But the opinion itself is the least interesting thing. Trading opinions back and forth gets boring fast – or it escalates into a fight! In dialogue, remember that opinions are not very useful. We want to learn the WHY. What are your experiences with the quarter system that make it feel hectic for you?⠀
#opinions #whatpeoplethink #quartersystem #birdscooters #underneaththesurface #why #listenhard #tipstuesdays #igr #intergrouprelations #intergroupdialogue #ucla #uclaigr #uclabruins #bruins #tips #dialogue #facilitation #listeningskills #brc #bruinresourcecenter #dialogueeverywhere