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Please help us Save NET NEUTRALITY!
The president of the United States and his appointed officials are trying to take the freedom of internet away from us. Destroying the freedom of information will put power in the hands of those who will abuse it.
#Repost @nathan11.11 (@get_repost)
Help save #NetNeutrality by going to enter your information and it will give you your congresspersons number and tell you what to say if you can't find your own words. Together we can make a difference. I don't like talking on the phone especially to strangers but I did it anyway because this is REAL people. Wake up and do something about it! Call or protest! Protests are happening on Dec 7th at Verizon stores across the US. ♻ from @plantseedsoftruth
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Ramadhan Night Offroad #01 at Bukit Roso Wulan, Panggang, Gunung kidul
Combination between mud and rock, speed and bounching, this is #rubicontrail
Meet up a lot of friend there:
@arizaputratama69 .