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Faktanya, generasi milenial memiliki permasalahan dalam mengatur keuangan sehari-hari, apalagi merencanakan keuangan untuk masa depannya. Perilaku konsumtif, tidak punya tabungan darurat, dan rendahnya literasi keuangan merupakan masalah umum yang dihadapi oleh generasi ini.
Contohnya dikisahkan oleh 2 sahabat, Zulkarnain dan Sulaiman, di video ini nih
Gimana? Udah ditonton videonya?
Nah jadi mulai sekarang kamu harus udah selalu aware dengan tren finansial, bukan hanya tren fashion atau teknologi ya.
tema : Pinter Ngatur Duit itu Keren
@reksa.dana.manulife @beasiswa_kse
@alhasinun @andriantom11 @farhanriz @ikbal.rahadian @dodyvirgiawan
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I grew up with stories from my mom telling me she used to walk to get water from from a well. This summer, I get to work for a company that invests in people to find clean water solutions around the world. With a small loan, people are able to find a better solution for their families so that they don’t have to walk for miles to get water. @waterequity is an impact investment manager dedicated to ending the global water crisis. It has been one of the best experiences of my life and I’m so grateful for this opportunity. Life is truly amazing and I can’t wait to see where this leads✨#WaterEquity #SocialImpactInvesting #thefutureislatina #investmentmanagement #wework #UMKClaw