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I feel like it’s time to speak up on this BS about the mistreatment of the Black Muslim community. If this post strikes a nerve then good it’s time to get people angry and expose the truth! We need to be the voices for the silenced! To the black brothers and sisters in Islam you are loved and we will speak justice for you when you are silenced and oppressed. My prayers and love goes to the families who are victims of The Ogossagou Massacre. May Allah grant you the highest place in Jannah! Ameen #malimassacre #blackmuslims #islamiccommunity #muslims
"Komunitas Qasidah Surabaya",
Available now...!!! new family... new spirit...
and new imagination... #komunitas #komunitasqasidah #komunitasqasidahsurabaya #qasidah #kqs #newhope #togetherwecan #togetherwestand #islamiccommunity #newbrand #qasidahcoach #qasidahplayer #musician #islamicmusician #arabicmusic #arabic #arabicscale #nasidaria #surabayaplayer #surabayamusician #seputarsurabaya #do #nadadasardo
A little bit of Islam in every part of the house. One of my favorite orders! Come and be welcomed with Salaam, peace be upon you! Oh is it Salah (prayer) time? How’d you know?! Cuz I saw But First, Salah and I was reminded! Thirsty yet? How’s about a Bismillah, now gimme coffee?! Oh ya! Oh ya! Oh ya! .
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