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Today we're talking about IT Band Syndrome, but the concept here can really be applied to any injury. That concept is the interplay between mechanics and loading.⚖
Most aches, pains, injuries, irritations, etc come on during periods of higher physical stress. Maybe it's a new ♂️running program, or a high volume block of weightlifting, or just working extra long hours to meet a deadline so you're sitting for a few extra hours a day. All these things accumulate stress in the form of volume of workload.
Optimal technique or optimal mechanics is the way in which you can handle the MOST stress or the most workload. That's why they're important. Because in order to train as hard as possible for as long as possible, we want to be able to take as much as possible. And when recovering from an injury, we need to drop the stress and slowly build back into it, ideally with optimal or improved technique.
So always be on the lookout for quick jumps in workload. They play a big role in how we feel and monitoring it can play a crucial role in keeping us healthy long term.
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As simple as this. #Repost @smithptrun
So much good info! Thanks to @posemethod for creating this info-graphic that sums it all up! Running injuries are preventable - #techniquematters #posefallpull #injuryprevention #plantarfasciitis #achillestendonitis #shinsplints #kneepain #runnersknee #anklesprain #itbandsyndrome #lowbackpain #muscle #musclestrain #getpt1st #physicaltherapy #poserunning #posemethod #runningclass #onlinecourses #runnersofinstagram #runningculture #runinjuryfree
Let’s talk about a common running injury...illiotibial band syndrome (ITBS) which occurs when the IT band becomes inflamed. I started feeling mine on my last long run as I prep for Chicago.
So where is the IT band exactly? It’s a thick, fibrous band of connective tissue that runs down the outside of your thigh, from your gluteal muscles and tensor fascia latae (TFL) and connecting just below your knee to your tibia.
What causes ITBS?
Because the IT band is so intricately connected to the gluteal muscles, when your glutes are weak or tired, this can result in decreased knee stability, meaning your knee can be pulled either inward or outward excessively. Our modern lifestyle with too much sitting can also cause weak glutes & tight hips.
Here are a few exercises you can do once a week to prevent ITBS by strengthening your hips & glutes:
1️⃣ Lateral leg raise (30/side)BANDED
2️⃣ Clamshell (30/side) BANDED
3️⃣ Single leg hip thrust (25/side)
4️⃣ Side step shuffle (10 each way - 5 sets) BANDED
5️⃣ Hip hike (20/side) (Activate the hip muscle of the leg you are standing on)
6️⃣ Iron cross (10/side)
Some more recovery advice....GENTLY foam roll.
A foam roller can help the healing process, but stay away from rolling the IT band itself, as it may aggravate it further. Rather, gently roll the hips, glutes, quads, and hamstrings for about one minute per muscle to loosen the muscles and any scar tissue that may be constricting movement.
Stretching is over-rated in general, but especially so in the management of IT band pain.
“Imagine bolting a 2-foot strip of thick tire rubber to a plank of wood in several places. Now try to “stretch” it! You might be able to apply some tension to it, but it’s certainly not going to elongate significantly”
Repost from @chicagosportsdoc The iliotibial band is the tough band of fibers that run along the outside of the thigh. As the knee is flexed to about 30 degrees, the Iliotibial Band changes from an extensor moment arm to a flexor moment arm (this produces the pivot shift when there is an ACL tear).
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Stop the IT band scraping madness! Will you get temporary relief? Yes, every time. But will anything have changed with the root of the problem? No! You’ll just have to get it scraped over and over. Same goes for foam rolling. The IT band is such a strong structure and typically discomfort here is a sign of issues somewhere else, not in the IT band directly. Here’s how you can address hip mobility and glute/hip retraining for lasting results! *Note*- the exercises shown are not specific to the side we were scraping.
1️⃣ Greatest Stretch Ever: lunge forward, keep the opposite hand on the ground and reach towards the sky with the other. This will mobilize both hips and should be performed on both sides.
2️⃣ Knee Side Plank: with bent knees, push off of your knee to raise the hips off the table and perform a clam shell with the top leg. This is a good beginning phase to glute retraining. Perform slow and controlled. Keep the side with issues down.
3️⃣ Star Fish Plank: with straight legs like a regular side plank, lift the top leg and then lift your hips off the table. This puts all the emphasis on the hip that is down and really challenges it! Keep the side with issues down.
⚕️- Grant Elliott future Dr.
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The IT band is responsible for keeping your hips and knees stable, particularly during rapid, explosive moves like running and jumping. If you feel pain on the outside of your knee, particularly when bending it, this may be a sign that you’re dealing with IT Band Syndrome. Rest and stretching are the first steps in the treatment of iliotibial band syndrome. #itband #itbandsyndrome #stretch #sundaymood #gizemozdem1
liotibial bant sendromuna uzun mesafe koşucularda, bisiklet, tırmanış veya kayak gibi sporlarla uğraşan kişilerde sıkça rastlanır. Leğen kemiğinin dış kısmından dizin dış yanına kadar uzanan it bant, yürüme veya koşma gibi durumlarda dizin aşırı hareketlerini engelleyerek stabil duruma getirir. Dizin dış yanında meydana gelen ağrıların temel nedenlerinden biri olan iliotibial bant sendromu, yanlış antreman veya uzun mesafe koşu gibi faaliyetler sonucunda ortaya çıkabilir.
Esnetmek ve rahatlatmak bu açıdan çok onemlidir.
IT Band Syndrome- Here are some great exercises if you’ve been dealing with some pain on the lateral aspect of your knee.
First things first, you can stop stretching, massaging, and rolling your IT band. It’s one of the strongest pieces of tissue we have in our body. I remember in PT school when we were in Anatomy lab, I was able to pick the body up by the IT band without it breaking. So do you really think you’ll be able effect change with your foam roller or theragun?
With that said, what we can focus on is hip strength! These exercises are designed to help strengthen the gluteal muscles which attach to the superior part of the IT band on the lateral aspect of the hip.
IT Band syndrome is pretty common in endurance athletes due to repetitive motions such as running, squatting, etc. These exercises would be a great place for these athletes to start!
✅Do you run and lift weights, or only one? Why?
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This exercise progression can help people return to activity after dealing with IT Band Syndrome. While we used to think of ITBS as a friction syndrome, we now see it as a compressive irritation at the outer knee.
This progression plays off of that by progressively creating tension across the band by going into adduction at the hip and loading the glutes eccentricly, since the glute is the largest attachment point for the band.
At it's core, this is a load management issue. The general rehab process for ITBS would be to desensitize the irritated area by systematically reducing irritants (running, biking, repetitive valgus, amongst other possibilities). Then build tolerance to the stressor via gradually increasing the stress as in this video. And grade your return to full activity, such as running, managing the volume, monitoring symptoms, and taking recovery days as needed.
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Stop foam rolling your IT band! This structure does not like compression yet we see people compressing it all the time because foam rolling is so hot and flashy and is seen as a “cure all”. We hear foam rolling breaks up scar tissue/adhesion/fascia yet it takes 2000lbs to break up fascia. Address the muscles that directly affect the IT band like the glute med and TFL. Find ways to load the IT band and these structures to help these tissues get stronger and adapt. Smashing it won’t do anything except temporarily numb it!
✅ If you are struggling with IT band issues try some side planks to load the IT band and the glute med as well as other glute strengthening exercises. This is where you’ll get the most benefit!
⚕️- Grant Elliott future Dr.
follow @rehabfix
Take charge of your own health, understand your body, and get your daily fix of rehab, movement, and empowerment! #rehabfix
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