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Auweia mir ist aufgefallen man darf keine Witze machen, denn es gibt zu viele unwissende da draußen. Mit einem Norovirus kann man natürlich keine Diät machen, man verliert natürlich Gewicht aber das meiste ist Wasser und wenn man noch was verliert sind es eher die Muskeln als das Fett. Wenn man eine Diät macht, muss man darauf achten dass die Diät ausgewogen ist, vor allem dass der Eiweißbedarf gedeckt ist, damit die Muskulatur nicht verloren geht und wirklich das Fett abgebaut wird.
So jetzt wisst ihr bescheid
#gymqueen #healthy #stopthebullshit #itseasy
Hopefully you can find some motivation from this example of sheer determination and focus on completion, success and excellence! Have a great week everyone! Embrace Change!
4 veneers and whitening is all it took to improve this patient’s smile. No more worn teeth, no more black triangle. Happy, happy patient!
Want to know how we can improve your smile? Click the link in our bio to schedule your free virtual smile consult today. #smilemakeover #porcelainveners #smilevirtualconsult #itseasy #studiobsmiles
Looking forward and onward. I have so much to say, but the inability to express my emotions precisely and with the right words. I’m excited for where I am headed, but nervous for the unknown - as I know everyone is. This photo doesn’t show my off my body, which I know is the reason most of my photos receive likes, but I love it. It’s simple. If you do anything today, show some love to the simple things in life. They tend to be the reasons for those little flutters in your heart or the cheeky smiles. Let’s begin our week with joy from the simple things. What’s yours #Simple #Happiness #ItsEasy •
: @superchargedguys
I met these 2 fellas on the trail this afternoon and in the 2 hours that I spent with them, I have learned so much. Both have no social media and all they do is travel all over the world and have fun while racing on the mountains. I didn't think I was going to finish the hike today...but somehow they got me to finish and to go an additional mile just to see if I could do it. Because I'm a crazy fucking nut..I said yes and went along. Well I did it and it feels fucking amazing. They did say this was the most fun they've ever had on a mountain and I said you're welcome. Hahahah