itsmyparty jenniferlopez itsmypartytour theforum jennyfromtheblock jloitsmyparty party cake jeniferlopez latina blessed concert friday happyearlybirthday jlovers june livenation losangeles openingnight showtime weekend music forum love alexrodriguez arod jlotruelove
Behind every successful woman is a village of people that have her back!! My vision would not have been a reality without all the amazing people involved in making it happen. A HUGE thank you to the @attcenter for making this experience exciting and fun! Vickie, Duane and Julia you were all so awesome! It was great working with you. Thank you @jlo for putting on one heck of a show!! Our design truly embodied your “ITS MY PARTY TOUR”!! This made it even more special! Thank you Michelle for making sure all the balloons I needed were here and ready for me in just 6 days! Thank you to my Aunt @lizzette2011, grandma and grandpa for driving down all the way from Houston, Texas to help me blow up balloons and organize. Thank you to my best friend Amanda for being at the att center all day with me and not leaving until I was 100% finished. Thank you to my amazing team Estevan, Cisco, and Chris for being the muscle behind this design. Thank you @s.a_enchantedevents for renting out your beautiful chair to me personally and allowing me to pick it up from you the day before. Thank you to my guys and my friend Chris for showing up at midnight to help me tear down. Thank you to my fans that stood in long lines to get a photo in front of my balloon wall and tagged and shared with me. Y’all are everything to me. Thank you to all of my family and friends that couldn’t physically be there for me but we’re cheering me on. Most importantly thank you to my sweet sweet husband @erickoflizsbeautifulthings for always supporting my crazy dreams. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the positive support and you always rooting for me and brainstorming with me. I am so thankful for everyone and can’t wait to see what more exciting things we create this year! Cheers to being EXTRAAAA
One more year wiser! Yey! Day is absolutely stunning! ☀️
Special thanks to @kahlanamnell_ and the team @billsrestaurant for making my birthday morning unforgettable ♥️
Ура!!! Стала еще на год мудрее
#happybirthdaygirl #birthday #billsrestaurant #timetocelebrate #деньрожденья #лондон #жизньзаграницей #заграница #англия #великобритания #британия #proseccoforbreakfast #itsmybirthday #itsmyparty