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Thomas and Friends Motorized Railway - Race To The Finish
HARGA : 249.000
The race is on! Thomas and Yong Bao are revving their engines and ready to race through this fun Motorized Railway set. Just set the motorized engines at the start line and flip the lever to start the race. The engines race down the tracks, over bridges, past signs and even up an elevated track. As the winning engine crosses the finish line, the victory flag and fireworks pop up! Set includes over 50 pieces.
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Silakan hubungi salah satu nomor ini ya, Moms:
WA: 087772057869
LINE: lilmonsterid
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Mamak terharu ....
Sampe masuk @tribunjakarta
Ini pas belanja di gandaria city CRAZY TOYS SALE 1x masuk trus diwawancarai... Sehari bisa masuk ke ruangan 5x lebih
untuk belanja...
Demi ibu2 yg Ga sempat antri dan pergi beli mainan nyungsep #
#bundaziodeo #crazytoyssale #terpercaya #jastipcrazytoyssale
~ Kondisi: Preloved good condition, sesuai foto.. Box sudah tidak bagus tp isi dijamin lengkap
~ Harga: @ Rp. 50.000,- (Take all 120rb)
Geser utk detail foto
Foto real picture
Minat DM / WA :)
WA: by request
Shopee, Jne, Jnt, Pos
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